hi good morning community today I would like to ask you how to do a scope in Laravel but this is related to other tables, here in the example I'm looking directly only the id of the installer and I need to look for it through the name but when I...
Can you help me? I do not know which one I'm wrong in, I do not know what else to do, I've tried everything. This is my code:
this is my driver :
namespace Inventario\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Inventario...
I have a method in the controller that inserts a table, and I want the bar to increase for each insert, but this loop is in the controller. Is there any way to do that?
//codigo javascript
type: 'get',
url: "{{...
I have the following javascript: arreglos_grados fix, which implements it in the following way: arreglos_grados = [] but I would like to validate with the Validator of Laravel 5.5 if a field that I am inserting in the...
I'm working the Laravel 5.5.
I have a table called servers, in this table I insert both physical and virtual servers, and identify them through the following field.
{!! Form::mySelect('id_uso', 'Uso', [0 => 'Escoge una opción'] + App\Uso...
How can I use where to filter in queries with that relate multiple tables.
$a = App\A::with(['bs', 'bs.cs', 'bs.cs.ds'])->get();
how can I make 'bs.cs.ds' attributeX = 40 and 'bs.cs' attributeY = true
How can I pass the following query in Laravel 5.4
TRIM(SUBSTRING(NombreCliente, locate( ' ',NombreCliente), 2) )
I have to return in a table in HTML, the name of the user and the
names of posts; however, I have registered more than one post
user; for which I require to use group_concat() for
put them in a single cell; I'm trying it this way...
As you can see, I created the "user" table in the appropriate singular and I want it to stay that way and in this way do all the CRUD. but laravel has a convention. that is, I would like to keep my table in the singular, the model in the same wa...