Questions tagged as 'map'


indexoutofboundsexception index 0 size 0

I have a code that has to return the coordinates and the address of the coordinates of my device and the place I select on the map, the application gives me the coordinates of my rounded device, but it does not return the address, instead that's...
asked by 12.09.2018 / 09:29

C ++ Map as function output in VBA

I have a C ++ code that returns a map to me. I have created a dll and I call it from an Excel macro. Then, in that macro, I need a dictionary (Scripting.Dictionary) . I tried to do the following: Declare Function ExlFunct Lib "dire...
asked by 26.04.2017 / 14:10

Delete all the elements of a treeMap

I would like to know how to remove all the elements of a list treeMap of Java. I have the following method that removes only one element: public boolean eliminarProducte(String codi){ return map_catalogo.remove(codi)!=null; }     
asked by 11.01.2017 / 23:13

How can I print the values of a TreeMap?

This does not return anything to me: System.out.println(tree.values()); , castings do not work, i.e. System.out.println((int)tree.values()); How do I print the key values collection? Map<Integer,String> tree=new TreeMap&...
asked by 26.09.2017 / 04:23

Error "no match operator []" when entering data in a map inside an object

I'm trying to save data on a map inside an object and I get this error in var [name] = val and in var [name]:    no match operator [] header #include <string> #include <map> using namespace std; class Calculator{ public:...
asked by 16.11.2016 / 07:57

convert array to Map in javascript

I want to convert an array to Map (), in this console "console.log (arrayParaMap);" sale undefined the example I use is this // example {a: 1, a: 2, a: 1, b: 1, b: 5, b: 6} the map I intend to obtain is [a, {1,2,1}                               ...
asked by 17.09.2016 / 03:10

Change image of Pins in Swift (MapView)

I have an App where I send to place locations with their respective Annotations . I managed to change the image of the pin, but I see that all the images are changed. What I would like to do is show a different image for each group of locati...
asked by 29.05.2017 / 19:29

ReactJS - Hide other Popovers when a Popover opens

I have a component that creates a series of other components that contain information, that information I would like to show in a popover I am using reactstrap to streamline the process, this is the component import React, { Component } fro...
asked by 18.06.2018 / 00:50

Help to store this data

I am interested in saving two types of data, String and int. I have to store numbers so that: int: 1/ String:"Uno" ... int: 89/ String:"Ochenta y nueve" I know that in other languages there are tuples, but I do not know how to store it in j...
asked by 26.05.2017 / 13:17

access the indexes of a ruby hash

I am doing a program to eliminate surpluses from an array, if we have more elements than maxOcurrences we omit them. For example    [20,37,20,21] = > [20,37,21] My problem in particular is to access the indexes of a hash, thi...
asked by 06.04.2018 / 03:50