Questions tagged as 'map'


how to draw a route on a map with mapsforge?

I need to draw routes from one point to another with the latitud and longitud of those points on a map with the library mapsforge or if there is another one that please tell me. Greetings     
asked by 20.04.2016 / 15:57

error when compiling binding to reference of type discards qualifiers

when executing a program in which among other functions, I minimize a finite deterministic automaton (DFA, for more information, link ), I use the set and map containers of the C ++ stl, but it gives me errors that I do not understand in that f...
asked by 29.10.2017 / 22:05

Doubt treeMap in Java

I would like to know if when I make a list treemap of objects Producto which has byproducts in inheritance type: ProductoA ProductoB Could you just show the ProductoA ? This is how I believe it: public Cataleg(){...
asked by 11.01.2017 / 16:44

How to export to multilinestring format with mapinfo or qgis

I have installed the geographic editor mapinfo and qgis . After creating the routes in mapinfo and saving them with extension shp and loading it in qgis I do not know how to convert those routes to multili...
asked by 11.05.2016 / 17:50

Add option map of google maps using gmaps.js

I would like to know how I could add one more option to the map of google maps link For example, next to Satellite add another option that shows me another map (which I have customized). Seeing the doc I see that it can be with events, but...
asked by 10.07.2016 / 23:00

Print data belonging to a TreeMap

In the consultas() method, how could you print the student's name and grades? Until now, what it prints are memory addresses, and not the name and qualifications. Note: The map that receives this method is a map that returns a met...
asked by 27.09.2017 / 01:20

Map within another Map

I'm trying to access a map that is contained in another map , but I get an error. The code is as follows: map<string, map<string, list<string>>>::iterator iter; map<string, list<string>>::iterator...
asked by 06.06.2017 / 17:30

Map in JavaScript, go through, get keys and values

I have created a Map that has clave as a string and as value a arrays of strings . var miMapa = new Map(); miMapa.set("clave1", new Array("valor_a_1", "valor_a_2", "valor_a_3")); miMapa.set("clave2", new Array("valor_b_1", "valor_b_2"...
asked by 10.02.2016 / 11:53

I do not paint Google Map on the Web

I am trying to use the API of Google Maps so that I can paint a map according to the coordinates that happened to it, I do it with the method geolocation of HTML5 , but nothing appears on the web. I have tried the parameters...
asked by 15.08.2016 / 13:24

Create map in R with ggmap

I have a database that every time an issue is generated creates a new entry, one of the parameters I have is latitude and longitude. I want to create a code in R that takes those values of latitude and longitude and generates a map of Mexico tha...
asked by 16.10.2017 / 23:05