Questions tagged as 'maven'


I can not download tables as excel

The thing is simple, I want to export a table of primefaces to .xlsx however at the moment of pressing the button that should do it, I get the following exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
asked by 11.01.2017 / 20:21

I am setting up my project with maven in eclipse using framework spring and it shows me the following errror:

I'm taking a tutorial of Spring framework mvc v3 with JPA, using maven in Eclipse. Then I created the project and it shows me the following error:    the superclass javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet was not found on the java build path  ...
asked by 13.12.2016 / 15:59

How to extract a name from my controller?

I have times trying to extract the current user to be able to make a comparison in my controller so that only the user who made it can delete a reservation. But I have not found a way to get that user, any ideas? Controller @RequestMa...
asked by 02.11.2016 / 16:05

Can not find class in bean defined in the ServletContext

I am using for my project (maven 3.3.9, spring 4+, hibernate4 +, tiles 3, postgres 9+, jdk 8, wildfly 10), and I am receiving the following error message:    Can not find class [org.springframework.orm.hibernat4.LocalSessionFactoryBean] for b...
asked by 14.07.2016 / 03:40

Problem with maven exec plugin: Unable to access jarfile

I am generating a jar with maven and I would like to run it using maven but I get an error. This is my plugin configuration in the pom : <build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>
asked by 12.12.2018 / 09:47

I have an error creating a java project with maven in Netbeans

After creating a maven java aplication project in Netbeans. When wanting to execute it gives me the following error: Failed to parse plugin descriptor for org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.2.1 (C:\Users\Christian\.m2\repository\org\codehau...
asked by 17.12.2018 / 23:05

Error processing request when adding dependency maven jersey-core

I am in a project where I was requested several functionalities through REST services, most of the functionalities are already developed and working, however there is one that corresponds to receiving the sending of several files through multipa...
asked by 19.11.2018 / 07:52

Where to host files in maven web project

I have a web project built with maven and eclipse that from a byte array I must write the files inside the project folders and then through a url the files can be downloaded. Looking for the files I could leave in the resources folder. In...
asked by 17.11.2018 / 06:38

The container 'Maven Dependencies' references non existing library 'C: \ Users \ ... repository \ com \ sun \ tools \ 1.6.0 \ tools-1.6.0.jar'

I get this error in a Maven project. What can it be? My POM.XLM is: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="
asked by 18.11.2018 / 01:34

mask for mail

I tell you, I'm working on a web system in java with maven, and I want to mask the mail that shows a password recovery screen, very similar to the one in the image: but I need it to be of the format: [email protected] (that is, from the...
asked by 16.11.2018 / 13:50