I'm trying to write fields from my formulario to base de datos
sql , and the truth, I have no idea, I've been looking around but I'm a NOOB of the total issue, can someone take a look and put me in the right direction...
Starting from two tables
lessons.lessons_id, lessons.lesson_number, lessons.course_id entre otras
and lessons_completed
lessons_completed.lessons_number, lessons_completed.user_id,
With the...
When I try to execute a SQL function within PHP this error occurs:
Can not add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails
( db_inventory . vendedor , CONSTRAINT idCiudadVendedor FOREIGN KEY
( id_ciudad_...
I'm inserting records into a remote mysql database and I do it using a java desktop batch. What I find strange is that, although I manage to insert, the time it takes me seems too much, approximately 2 minutes (500 records). The consultation is...
In the last days I have been learning PHP and MySQL, and I have supported the WAMP package which comes with the Apache web server, the MySQL GBD and the PHP libraries. I wanted to know if it is possible, having installed both the WAMP package...
It turns out that I have a problem I want to show the name of tables related to inner join in Codeigniter but it does not let me not know what I'm doing wrong.
public function consulta() {
$asociados = array("tablaAsoci...
Dear in advance I appreciate your contributions, I am stuck in a logic that probably for many of you is quite simple and is the following:
I have a table in MySQL and from it I get a number of records associated with the identification of the us...
What happens is that I try to redirect to another page but I get this error:
Warning: Can not modify header information - headers already sent
The line that generates it tells me what it is:
header("location: " . URL . "Home/newProc...
I would like to know if there is a possibility of having the sentence
"DROP TABLE TABLATEMPORAL" using MySQL inside a trigger, since when trying to save the trigger with this sentence I get the following error:
"There was an error while apply...