When something is changed in the database, I want it to change also on the web
I try to use a function () example:
function actualizar_datos(){
//Contenido para actualizar las variables de $_SESSION['']
$_SESSION['nombre'] = $VARIBLE_...
I have this code to generate a table
Create table "Socio"
"Dni" Char(20) NOT NULL,
"Correo" Char(40),
"Nombre" Char(20),
"Contrase_a" Char(20),
"Puntos" Numeric Check (puntos >=0),
primary key ("Dni")
) Without Oids;...
It turns out that I want to do a search through ajax where I have three fields one is idpaciente another is cedula and the other is name.
What I want to do is to search first by idpaciente if it does not find search by cedula and if it does n...
I'm doing an app for Android that makes a login to a server in MySQL , it must first go through a php file where it connects to the server and picks up the user and password of who is going to login.
I made the php file that connects to the s...
I am currently using two tables "vehicles"
and "expenses"
of which I try to generate a detail by month of the total expenses of each vehicle between a range of dates, for this I have made the following query:
SELECT v.vehicul...
hello good night everyone, again consulting to see if you can help me a pokito ... I have to filter a datagridview according to what I select in a combobox ... so far what I do is pass the id of the combobox item to a textbox, i that value (an i...
I have a form that sends the following information to the controller:
<form method="GET" action="index.php">
<input type="hidden" name="nombreTabla" value="Colegios">
<input type="text" name="alumnoID">
I am new in this of the fixes, and I want to know how to go through them correctly to make an insertion of data based on the contents of a table, how should the code be to execute the corresponding queries?:
When exporting a MySQL table, this was the result:
-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
-- version 4.4.10
-- http://www.phpmyadmin.net
-- Servidor: localhost:8889
-- Tiempo de generación: 18-04-2018 a las 21:18:37
-- Versión del servidor: 5.5.42
-- Versi...