I have a Maven Module project of Liferay 7, which I want to implement a connection to Oracle through the OJDBC6, I have my connection which is the following:
public static Connection getConnection() {
if (connection != null) {
Hi, I want to run 2 queries on 2 different tables with a single store procedure.
UPDATE personal
SET imei_equipo = v_imei WHERE PERSONAL_ID = v_personal_id;
UPDATE lugar
SET latitud = v_latit...
I wanted to know how to create a function that inserts data into a table.
What value should I return ( return )?
With a procedure I do it correctly, but when it comes to doing it with a function, I do not understand what value I should ret...
When I execute the next SQL block, it tells me that I must declare the variable p_name, but I have declared it before.
p_nombre varchar2(200) ;
FOR REG IN (select c1000 INTO p_nombre
from edyficar.cl_clientes2...
I have a problem making a simple selection of a date. I commented:
I want to collect the month of the creation of a file and that is ordered by the date with this sentence:
select to_char(fecha,'MONTH') as MES from archivos order by (fecha...
Good morning!
I have the following query:
I have saved in a table a varchar that represents a time, for example '23: 30 '. What I want to do is convert that value to time and then calculate the difference with respect to sysdate ... Will there be any way to do it?
I con...
I have a system which performs the query of a product in a store. That is, in my interface I select todas and then I enter the product code and I should throw all the stores with that product available. The query I modified it for that pu...
Hi, I'm scheduling queries in Oracle 11g and PostgreSQL 9.4, and I have been asked to perform a query whose output is shown in the following image.
Employee_ID belongs to the employee table; Current_Contract_ID and Previous_Contract_Id...
In a database exercise I get a DB with which I must take 2 tables TBL_AMIGOS and TBL_ESTATUS_SOLICITUDES to make a query to know the user with the largest number of confirmed requests.
I've tried with HAVING and COUNT...