I am generating a pdf with the tcpdf library but I want to create a header with a different height, title and image than the one that comes in it, I do not really know much about this library and I do not understand some things, I have the follo...
Good morning.
My question is how can I digitally sign a pdf file (or what libraries should I use).
I am working under the php symfony2 framework.
Thank you in advance.
I am trying to extract the text of a PDF by coordinates in a visual way
public override void BeginGetText(Image page, uint pageNumber)
_PageNumber = (int)pageNumber;
using (PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(Fi...
I have an application that returns a user but the output is System.String[] would like me to give me the real value of the array.
How can I do this?
Here is my code of the way I passed the parameters.
UserData[] userData...
This is where you take the data and place it in tbody , what I want is to send to print taking the temporary data that you put in the tbody . I do not want to right click and print because I plan to make a template with a logo.
I have a scaffold table where I enter clients, I have a select where my option I consult them with an each do, I select it and I print it with a javascript, I want that data to be the only ones that are leaked to my pdf as a header.
I get this error when I installed the dependencies as it says the composer and even so I still give that error, what else may be happening I leave the code for the submission of the form:
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);...
There is some way to export a table to PDF
Currently what I do is "Check the Base again" the table generates in my view. And I export, but I want to avoid doing the query again.
Since I am showing a table in a view and if the user needs to ex...
I need to generate a PDF report and show the items that are between a date range.
This is the modal where the datepicker and the Generate Report button are found with a onclick="Report()" that leads to a function in JavaScript ,...
I need to show data from the database to a pdf, until now it generates the pdf but with static data that I added to it
class PDFprueba(View):
def get(self,request,*args,**kwargs):
datos = {
'nombre' : 'jose...