Questions tagged as 'pdo'


how can I add some data

I have the following question. I'm doing a reservation system for hotels in PHP. in some dates the price increases and in others it decreases, now I have brought that from the DB but I want to know how to add the normal prices: $ PriceSystemA...
asked by 01.04.2018 / 17:20

Problems with bindValue

I have a doubt when using bindValue, I do not link the value of the variable to the sign placed in the query. I leave the code; I hope you can help me <?php $pdo = new \PDO('sqlite::memory:', null, null); $pdo->setAttribute(\PD...
asked by 15.03.2018 / 11:17

problem connecting via pdo

I'm using pdo to connect to a mysql database, before it worked perfect, but now something has broken. The error messages that appear are: Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in C:\xampp\htdocs\taller-poo-a\app\database\D...
asked by 03.04.2018 / 22:48

I can not list my BD records

I am starting to use the FPDF library and I need to generate a PDF document with the records of my "winners" table. So far I was able to generate the PDF document but I could not list the records of my table, I would appreciate any help. I kn...
asked by 09.03.2018 / 01:30

Problem with IIS and PDO oci

I'm uploading a web application, which has a php code, and specifically, PDO code to connect to an oracle database with oci. The problem is that the php that is installed in the IIS, shows several PDO minus the one I need, and in php.ini, it...
asked by 12.02.2018 / 15:07

How can I get the comments of the articles with two different tables with php PDO MVC?

This is my first message in this forum. I have to print the results of several sections, for example, the articles in the "fes_articles" table and the comments in the "fes_comments" table. At the beginning they ask me first on the left to tak...
asked by 10.02.2018 / 16:39

Help, make consultation with ajax, json, php

Greetings friends, I am currently solving an exercise in which I want to make a query without having to reload the page, for this reason I am using ajax ... But I have been several hours and nothing that I have with the solution, e watched some...
asked by 16.11.2017 / 11:13

Help my transaction in php pdo is sometimes done and sometimes not

I am carrying out a transaction, what I do first is a post of values obtained from a form of both arrays and variables, sometimes the values are inserted correctly in the table orders and detail, in other occasions this does not occur. <?ph...
asked by 01.11.2017 / 19:50

array with special characters to json_enconde PHP

Hello friends I know that this question is very common but I do not quite understand what is happening, I am trying to convert an array that contains special characters to JSON. 1.- This is the array that is returned to me from a database I a...
asked by 02.08.2017 / 17:25

Error executing query

It had not happened to me until I wanted to make a chat with php and ajax, I know that a chat is better to do it with other languages, but it does not demand the robustness to use the other languages. My query that I am trying to do is the fo...
asked by 22.07.2017 / 23:03