Questions tagged as 'primefaces'


How to compare a list and eliminate duplicates?

I have a list in which when editing a record, add a new one in the database, this new record is practically the same as "edit", but change an id that I want to change; at the time of calling the list I want to replace the old value with the new...
asked by 27.07.2018 / 17:45

Deactivating commandButton does not execute a method of the bean located in the action of the button

I am working with jsf2 and primefaces. I have a page where there is a table p: dataTable to which I have put checkbox: <p:dataTable id="listTable" var="bean" value="#{beanMaquina.lstMaquinas}"...
asked by 01.05.2018 / 15:23

navigation buttons in JSF2 and PrimeFaces when doing logout

I request your support with a Dinamica web application, which uses Java server faces 2.17 and primefaces 5.1 . It is mounted on a weblogic 10 and this is accessed through a web server! planet. The problem is that when performing the log...
asked by 27.04.2018 / 23:14

Update components of a form in Primefaces

I am working on the validation of the fields of a form ("register new student"). If the form is empty as in the image and press on the register button, validate correctly and show the corresponding messages. The problem is when I click on...
asked by 30.04.2018 / 23:39

DataModel must implement org.primefaces.model.SelectableDataModel when selection is enabled

hello good morning I'm working with the following xhtml      <h:form id="form_emisor_listado"> <p:growl id="messages" showDetail="true" /> <h:outputText id="txt_validador_controlador"> <...
asked by 21.04.2018 / 16:13

Problems with Primefaces component

I am developing a Java Web application using the Primefaces framework, in what is css with bootstrap (AdminLTE Template), the inconvenience that I have is that when I program a component of primefaces in this case a p: selectOneMenu, when I see...
asked by 14.04.2018 / 23:30

how to refresh a datatable of primefaces after a click?

I have the following form <h:form id="form"> <p:commandButton icon="ui-icon-clock" styleClass="element-button green hacia-izquierda" style="margin-right: 5em; margin-top: -1em;" value="Horario" update=":form:horario" oncomplete="PF(...
asked by 04.04.2018 / 17:29

Primefaces: Error when deploying war in tomcat

I want to display my war exported on my tomcat directly and I get this error (image). In NetBeans everything works fine. The steps I did in the Tomcat are: create my user, add to the System Path, Run to Tomcat, enter localhost: 8080, Manager App...
asked by 30.03.2018 / 19:37

how to get the maximum and minimum date of a query in jpa with java?

I have the following query @NamedQuery(name = "findRegistroAccesoByNuserid", query = "select myRegistroAcceso from RegistroAcceso myRegistroAcceso where myRegistroAcceso.nuserid = ?1 and TO_CHAR(myRegistroAcceso.fecRegistroEntrada, 'dd/MM/yyyy...
asked by 21.03.2018 / 17:03

Export more data from a table p: dataExporter

I have a simple table: (Example based on the official website) <p:dataTable id="carId" var="car" value="#{}"> <p:column headerText="Id"> <h:outputText value="#{}" /> </p:column>...
asked by 14.03.2018 / 18:05