Good I have the following df , the question is that I need to filter the speeds per hour and with these take an average, I am utlizando the following code:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.read_csv('df.csv')
b = df[(d...
I have an app with a product loading form for books (Product, Date of publication, file)
After loading it generates its own url ( link )
But when selecting to see all the images, I get the following error:
{% extend...
I'm trying to install the BeautifulSoup library with pip for Python 3.6:
$ pip install beautifulSoup
But he throws me an error:
(myvenv) eduardorr21@eduardoreyes21 ~/Documents/WebScraping $ pip
install beautifulSoup
I am making a form to add many products to the same collection and I want the collection form to create the collection with an unlimited list of products.
My form is this:
class TendenciaForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
I have the following problem, I have the following code which is responsible for sending the data to the imprimir_ticket module:
from es import imprimir_ticket
def productos(self):
lista_01 = []
pago = self.Cantidad.text()...
I am trying to make a login in Django and I have seen that by default I can only log in with the username and password but due to the demands of my client it wants to be able to login with the email apart from the username.
I have created a f...
I'm calculating the geometric data from the latitude / longitude.
consultaGeom = ('''select geometry::STGeomFromText('point('+left(?,12)+' '+left(?,12)+')' , 4326)''');
param = (latCIE,lngCIE)
I am practicing web scrapping and I would like to know how to refer to the div element of the page that I am scrapping that contains the following property
<div style="color:#000000; padding-left:55px; padding-bottom:1px; background
I would like to combine a de-structuring with a python map to process pairs of columns in a data list.
My ideal solution would be something like
def openOrSenior(data):
return list(map(lambda [age, handicap]: 'Senior' if (age>54 and ha...
I would like to know how I can generate a Hover event in the bclose button of the following code so that when the mouse is over it changes its color, for example:
This is my code:
import sys
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
from PyQt5.QtGui...