I have enough folders that in turn have their respective sub-folders, inside one of those sub-folders there is a subfolder_1_2, subfolder_2_2, subfolder_3_2 that contains files for example:
│── Subcarpeta_Principal1
The program apparently works fine, it creates the file but in it it only writes blank spaces instead of the characters that I wrote.
I really need help with this since I do not know the reason for this, I saved it as .pyw
Here the code:...
I have a problem with the neural network of backward propagation, it is written in Python , here I leave the GitHub link (in English), with a vector of 4096 entries, 2 hidden layer neurons and 197 output neurons.
I put the network to...
I'm wanting to use a proxy connection in Python 3, something simple.
I would like an alternative to the method used in Python 2
proxy = {"http":""}
urllib.urlopen("http://httpbin.org/ip", proxies = proxy).read()...
I just started with this world of Python and I'm doing personal sample software.
But I need to ask for too much data.
dato1 = float(input("Dígame su peso en kg: "))
dato2 = float(input("Dígame su peso en kg: "))
dato5 = float(in...
I am trying to iterate a list and then save it to a file .txt with open/write .
lista = ['uno', 'dos', 'tres']
mi_path = "../fichero.txt"
f = open(mi_path, 'a+')
for i in lista:
I give the attribut...
Hi, I'm needing to convert a string in CamelCase to separate scripts, I've been trying a bit of regular expressions but I can not get any part of it, the idea is to enter a string in CamelCase:
esta1seg0831a.txt my file that I want to cut
file_name = esta1seg0831a.txt
year = 2016
month = file_name[8:10]
day = file_name[10:12]
estacion = file_name[:4]
nombre = file_name
folder = [year,month,day,estacion]
My output result is =...
I have a list of this form, and I need to remove the spaces between words, that is, to make it look like this: 'jul07', 'jul08' ...
Here I leave the code:
FechasList = []
for i in date:
if i not in FechasList:...
Django has its own model for managing users for login, I would like to know if this can be modified.
The idea is to add some fields such as user type, mail, dependency, city, etc.