I am new with python and even more with netCDF. My situation is the next...
I must download the .nc files generated by the ASCAT (wind information on the sea). Available at ftp://podaac-ftp.jpl.nasa.gov/allData / ascat / preview / L2 / metop_a...
I have 2 txt files. 1 is a dictionary with term, value and I have another file with a json that simulates a list of tweets.
I have to look up the terms of the dictionary in the json and if it finds the term, add the value to a variable that I...
I am programming a development and I want to compare 2 dictionaries, which in common have keys of the same name.
For example Dictionary 1 is of the form:
dic1 = {'0': [2.4636363650000002], '6': [4.1666666650000002], '9': [4.833333334999...
I want to invert the string but I keep the word order and only invert the letters as for example, if I have
My dog Renzo
I should get
iM orrep ozneR.
But when I use [::-1] it gives me this result:
ozneR orrep iM...
Well this would be the code, unfortunately I'm just watching videos ... I do not have a raspberry, where I live so cheap they are not ... what confuses me here is the conditional While, it says while it's true ... in In any case, when I see that...
Someone could explain to me the process that carries out the following line of code (see the image for more details).
Specifically, this one:
langs = [language for language in languages if language['name'] == name]
I have already tried t...
Let's say that I have this string a='12345&&&4554444' as I do to read only the numbers of that string without having to do it with a cycle since the only way I know is going through the list.
for i in a:...
It is understood that distinguish it from the deletion made by the garbage collector. I would like the explicit deletion:
del objeto
It will execute something that does not run when the object disappears because the garbage collector detect...
I am new programming and I am in the challenge of making an incremental file backup.
I have been based on the paradigm of object-oriented programming and I tried to work using the good practice "DRY" (Do not repeat yourself) to avoid repeatin...
I have the following code:
import os, glob
from obspy.core import read
for fname in glob.glob('BC.*'):
print "<==== ", fname
# Quita la extension (.msd), si existe
if(len(arch) > 7):
del arc...