I'm trying to install the BeautifulSoup library with pip for Python 3.6:
$ pip install beautifulSoup
But he throws me an error:
(myvenv) eduardorr21@eduardoreyes21 ~/Documents/WebScraping $ pip
install beautifulSoup
I am making a form to add many products to the same collection and I want the collection form to create the collection with an unlimited list of products.
My form is this:
class TendenciaForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
I have the following problem, I have the following code which is responsible for sending the data to the imprimir_ticket module:
from es import imprimir_ticket
def productos(self):
lista_01 = []
pago = self.Cantidad.text()...
I have a project for a master's seminar that consists of taking a list of 107605 records of articles and we need to enter the information at a percolator type index to finally enter texts through an interface, percolate them and highlight...
I am using Python3.5 Django 1.11 as a backend for an apache server in red hat. Currently it has been put into production and works without problems.
We are now seeing the need for future use of FORMS in the pages but with the priority of bein...
I'm doing a program that seeks functions throws me this problem:
while lista[a] != (' ' or '' or '\n' or '\t' ):
IndexError: list index out of range
The whole program is this:
def look_for_def (lista):
i = 0
a = 0
I am trying to make a login in Django and I have seen that by default I can only log in with the username and password but due to the demands of my client it wants to be able to login with the email apart from the username.
I have created a f...
I want to protect the view of a template, since I have several types of extended users with model User of Django, I find it difficult to work. I have already tried it in many ways but without success, this is one and it gives me error....
I'm trying to use backports testing the code given by Sachin Joglekar in a project on convolutional neural networks for a project to classify toxic comments .
from backports import csv
but when I try to load it with python2.7 or pyt...
I'm calculating the geometric data from the latitude / longitude.
consultaGeom = ('''select geometry::STGeomFromText('point('+left(?,12)+' '+left(?,12)+')' , 4326)''');
param = (latCIE,lngCIE)