I need to create an environment variable to share information between two Python scripts.
Let me explain, I have created three scripts in Python to check the operation or rather verify that the environment variable is created. These files are...
I hope you can help me.
I am developing an application for raspberry. For this application I need to connect to a database that is mounted on XAMPP for mac, but I have not found a way to remotely access the database. I need to make queries to...
I'm doing a Domotic project in which I have the following components:
RaspberryPi + Relays to operate lights.
TouchScreen 15 ** screen
The interface and back-end I did everything in web environment (HTML + CSS + NODEJS + SOCKET.IO)...
I have a problem with my raspberry. I think I turned it off and now I have a configuration problem. It does not show anything on the LCD screen. And by hdmi it shows the load of the Operating System until error appears. I have already formatted...
I'm working with a raspberry pi which only has one network card (an ethernet port). To have more network cards, I use external devices that convert from USB to ethernet. The problem is that each time the raspberry is rebooted, it randomly assign...
Hi, I have this code on the Raspberry pi zero w:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<link rel="stylesheet" hre...
In the company we are developing a project with python using a raspberry. The program is already done and it is intended to market the service that makes the code so we require that you can not read or edit the file. It starts automatically thro...
When I boot for the first time in Kali Linux, in my raspberry pi 3, it asks for a username and a password, I think they are predefined: pi, raspberry. But it says that the password is incorrect.
Hello this time I created a small program written in c that I intend to run in a raspberry the same one already works correctly, but now I need to run it when I start the system (and it works without logging in), the idea would be that when star...
I had Apache perfectly configured and functioning.
I wanted to try this script in Python:
from http.server import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler
class Serv(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_GET(self):
if self.path == '/':...