Questions tagged as 'raspberry-pi'


An error occurred when installing the database. Phpmyadmin in raspbian

I am trying to use my raspberry pi for a remote server. Well the remote connection is already ready. the only thing I need is to install the phpmyadmin, apache2 but I get this error ... What can I do ...?     
asked by 25.11.2018 / 23:04

Problem with the login Raspberry Pi (Waiting for X server to shutdown (II) server terminated successfully.) Closing log file.ion to X server lost

I have this little problem with my raspberry, just restart it and when I try to login, it returns me to the same login screen, it does not throw any error of login when trying to do Startx from the terminal it returns me to the sam...
asked by 30.10.2018 / 19:07

Problem with PiCamera

I am using a raspberry pi 3B and an IR camera. I have switched from the screen by HDMI of 24 inches to one of 3'5 inches Quimat that is placed on her. Until I did, the camera.start_preview(fullscreen=False, window = (100, 20, 640, 480))...
asked by 20.10.2018 / 17:08

Connect Multiple Bluetooth Speakers in Raspberry Pi

I'm trying to connect several bluetooth devices with Raspberry PI to use them as speakers. I'm using RetroPie as a distribution, because of the tests I've done, it's the only one that matches and allows continuous synchronization with several...
asked by 14.10.2018 / 16:19

the cron is executed several times by several users

I have several CRONs in a raspberry pi and I've noticed that they run more than once, especially one that should run every 5 minutes but do it 3 times, I had the user write that I executed that file with a Random name so that the evidence is not...
asked by 11.09.2018 / 19:31

How can I control Pi's GPIO pins from a web page uploaded to a host?

I'm doing a project and I need to control a pin from a website published on the Internet, apart from that I also have to send data to a database also hosted on the Host.     
asked by 19.07.2018 / 04:51

Obtain the GPS sensor reading data every 5 seconds

I am using the GPS sensor NEO and I get the coordinates correctly, I want to capture the reading string every 5 seconds. As I mentioned, I manage to read but I do not capture it every 5 seconds, my program is as follows: import gps import iter...
asked by 03.07.2018 / 05:09

My crontab task is doubled

I have a raspberry that I use to back up a web server. I'm using the crontab service to launch the copy at 5 in the morning. For some strange reason the copy is released at 3am and 5am. This is my crontab: 0 5 * * * curl link > / dev...
asked by 04.07.2018 / 08:34

STM32F407 USART transmit

I am doing the programming of a stm32f407 that communicates with a raspberry by usart. stm32 code: while (1) { HAL_UART_Transmit_IT(&huart2, "hola mundo",10 ); HAL_Delay(200); } python code in PI: import serial ser...
asked by 05.06.2018 / 18:24

Ellipses do not change color in UWP

I'm doing a project on Raspberry Pi, using Windows IoT. Specifically, I'm doing a traffic light with LEDs and on the screen of my app I also drew a semaphore with ellipses. Ellipses "off" must have the lightgray color and "lit" their correspondi...
asked by 18.05.2018 / 00:28