I created the following code for vue js to add multiple inputs but it does not work for me could you help me. When I click to add it refreshes the page.
This is my multi_text.vue component
<div class="multi-text">...
I'm trying to customize a design but when I add materialize files in the html code I do not get anything, it's like I did not read the materialize .
I have already made the necessary modifications to the necessary files:
I'm doing a cabin rental system in RoR and I get this error in the view new of Reservations (reservations), which gives when I try to create a form in the view. If I show the empty object that passes the controller does not throw m...
When trying to raise the server with Rails from the terminal, it turns out that I have the following problem:
MacBook-Pro-de-Brian:~ Brian$ rails new twitter
I have a question about how to optimize a query, I'm doing it with a select to an active record query. How could I do this in a single SQL query.
Here, for example, is a request.
maintenance_service_requests has a Has and belong to many with...
I'm doing the deploy of my ruby on rails application.
and it throws me the following error
SSHKit :: Runner :: ExecuteError: Exception while executing as
[email protected]: fingerprint d1: 81: 65: 57: 08: 9f: c5: 5b does not
match fo...
This is my code
%html{class:"no-js", lang:"es"}
%title La mejor comida.
%meta{name:"description", content:"Come rico en el mejor restaurante de la ciudad, servicio de prime...
Hi, I created my test with capybara and rspec.
This is my test
require 'rails_helper'
RSpec.feature "Users", type: :feature do
context "crear nuevo usuario" do
scenario "creacion exitosa" do
user= FactoryBot.create(:user, :super_u...
I have an error running my user editing tests, it throws me the next exception
Capybara :: InfiniteRedirectError:
redirected more than 5 times, check for infinite redirects.
This is my feature class.
require 'rails_helper'
I'm using the Cocoon gem and it gives me the following error
undefined method 'new_record?' for nil: NilClass
the situation is as follows. I have an Event ( event ) which has many users ( user ) and to relate them I have the model eve...