I am using this project in the pom of my application:
I'm trying to redirect to another page but by putting the name of the value of the RequestMapping and raising the system I get an error of "Request method 'POST' not supported".
Main Controller
@RequestMapping(value = "/hello.do", meth...
I have the following code:
import java.util.List;
import org.springframework.data.repository.Repository;
import net.javabeat.spring.data.domain.Book;
public interface BookNamedQueryRepositoryExample extends Repository<Book, Long> {...
I have the following dilemma to generate a list of all the credentials that belong to a specific physical host.
Class FisicHost
public class FisicHost {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTIT...
In the image I have two rows that each represent an object of type FisicHost in my program.
Clicking on any of the two rows opens a modal with the credentials of the relevant FisicHost.
The problem is that indistinctly FisicHos...
I want to send a Json with this format
"tarjetas": [
{"nombre":nombre, "id": id, "lista": lista, "idLista": idLista},
{"nombre":nombre, "id": id, "lista": lista, "idLista": idLista}
I build it like t...
I have a project that we are managing by models in back and front (angular-spring).
I made a personalized consultation, to bring me the data in the model, and it brings them well, but if I enter the capture form when trying to save them,...
Is there a way to get a view as String already processed?
I need to send emails and I want to avoid creating the html views in a String and better create a JSP view and be able to call it as a String .
I've dealt with...
I'm creating a project with spring-mvc and MongoDB, when I start the Tomcat server from Eclipse it gives me the following error:
Configuration problem: Failed to i...