Questions tagged as 'sql-server-2014'


Handling locks in a concurrent environment

I am working on a system with 15 concurrent processes that perform several operations against a SQL SERVER database, the versions can go from 2005 to 2014. Each process has its particular data in several tables, no process queries / deletes / up...
asked by 19.04.2017 / 11:08

Applying PIVOT

I have a detail of Catalogo that is called ProductoCatalogo in which I enter the products that are going to be sold, but there are products that have their specifications as in the case of the clothes they have: Size and Color, tha...
asked by 05.10.2018 / 15:11

Discount amounts in SQL without using a cursor (SQL)

I need to discount or download quantities, I have a query that yields the following result: This result I have to download the balance based on the amount, the column to calculate is descontar ; that is, for an article I have an a...
asked by 11.06.2018 / 16:44

Add the GROUP BY clause

I am working with SQL Server 2014 Express Edition and I have the following query. SELECT DISTINCT T.ProductoCatalogoId AS Id, T.ProductoId, CONCAT(T.Nombre, ' | ', T.TALLA, ' | ', C.COLOR) AS Descripcion, T.PrecioVenta, T.CATALOGO AS Nombre FR...
asked by 11.12.2018 / 18:10

how can I activate IntelliSense in SQL Server 2014 when I connect to a server in azure?

Being connected locally and writing a query IntelliSense works normally, generates the autocomplete aids. But when connecting to a Microsoft Azure bd instance, the IntelliSense stops working. I found a post on English stackoverflow, where they r...
asked by 11.08.2017 / 03:48

group the results of a query in a single row

I have a view in sqlServer in which I do the following select SELECT mes ,P117_Dias_Trabajados ,P004_Dias_Falta ,P002_Dias_Permisos_CG ,P003_Dias_Permisos_SG ,P003_Dias_Licenicas_Comun ,P003_Dias_Licencias_L...
asked by 28.11.2017 / 13:53

How to update a field Id

I have a migrated information to a table I need in that field to create a number that starts from the 16th and ends until the last record that is in that column.     
asked by 16.10.2018 / 05:58

CAST and CONVERT rounded a float by passing it to varchar - SQL SERVER 2014 - Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio version 12.0.2269.0

Good afternoon, I have a problem when I take the float values from a sql server database and convert them to varchar with CONVERT. This function, I round the float and then it turns it rounded. The same goes for CAST. I need the varchar to be a...
asked by 06.12.2017 / 17:33

Reuse stored procedure sql server

I'm trying to reuse the result of a procedure so I do not call it twice again, because it takes too long to do so. select DW.dbo.procedimiento(CONVERT(char(10), FecLlamada, 103), CONVERT(char(5), HorLlamada, 108)...
asked by 18.12.2017 / 17:38

Get the records that have been updated

good day. I have the following case: I need to get the newest records from a series of records. Let me explain, I have a table of Appointments Histories for a doctor, in this table are stored the hours of the appointments "Original Appointment T...
asked by 05.01.2018 / 05:05