$qry = "select
CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),fechaSalida,108) AS fechaSalida,
CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),fechaEntrada,108) AS fechaEntrada,
CAST(DATEDIFF(minute, fechaEntrada, fechaSalida)/60.0 as decimal (18,2)...
Hi, I would like to export php excel with sql server:
The error that is coming to me is this:
sqlsrv_query () expects parameter 1 to be resource, string given in
sqlsrv_fetch_array () expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in...
I want to get a query where Cve, Name and Exist,
in one table I have the catalago and in another I have the ones that exist, therefore I want to get all the catalago but with an extra field that is in 1 those that exist and in 0 those that are...
I currently have the following flow in an SSIS
My question is, is there any way to put an OLE DB, which allows me to insert information into a table called errors if the Excel Source comes to fail, in a few words, if the Excel file does...
I need to be able to read all the data in each row to put them in a bootstrap-table , does anyone have any ideas?
I have this code saved in a field in my sqlserver database:
<xml xmlns:s='uuid:BDC6E3F0-6DA3-11d1-A2A3-00AA00C14882'
I'm doing a Login , in which the user's password stored in the Database is of type varbinary(50) I must recover this value, to later compare it with the key string entered by the user.
In the Database I have the following:...
I want to use the sql server sp_rename function, the problem is that I have to put it inside an exec, since the database on which it runs is dynamic and I have it inside a cursor. The fact is that the following sentence works correctly:
EXEC (...
Good morning one more time I need to get used to greeting help
The problem I have is that I want to update a table with the data of another table always in the same database in SQL but for reasons of life has not updated me this is the script...
I have a database in MS SQL Server 2017 express, in ubuntu 16.04, I am administering it DBeaver and I do not set an option to make a backup, I have tried with terminal and it does not work:
$ tsql -S localhost -U SA
I have 3 tables and I have the following query:
select S.ID, C.IDSENSOR, C.ID, CF.IDCANAL, MAX(CF.ENTRY_ID) as entry, cf.estado
from Sensor as S
join Canal as C on S.Id = C.IdSensor
join CanalFeed as CF on C.Id = CF.IdCanal
where S...