The following sql code for the compaction of the log:
use My_dabase
@arch_log sysname
set @arch_log =(select name FROM SYSFILES
where fileid = '2')
select name from sysfiles
I have an AS400 Server (IBM i) for Linked Server to SQL, the problem is that some values (text type (varchar)) are not displayed correctly, something like this is seen in the result of the query by OpenQuery
I added a new field to the table 1 of the name delete to mark the ones that are duplicates and that are marked in 1 with the following code, but when you delete them and try to upload them, they still appear duplicates
select count(*) from tab...
Hi, I would like to know if there is a substitute for the% ROWTYPE statement in SQL SERVER I would like to create something like that but I can not find how to do it
PROCEDURE mostrar(pdni IN VARCHAR2) is
tupla poblacion_tv%ROWTYPE;
It turns out that in azure I have a Database that I want to back up on my local computer, and I want to generate a .bacpac file, but it gives me the following error.
already try
I am starting to work with MVC 5 and Entity Framework 6, I clarify in advance that in my project I am not using visual studio assistants for EF since I want to understand in depth how it works. Well, my problem comes when reading a table from my...
Good morning,
I am setting up a procedure in T-SQL to detect if a point belongs to a polygon in the following way:
By putting an exact point that is in the polygon, the STContains method should return a 1 (Belongs) and is returning a...
I have a batch which takes the name of the file and path of a parameter in a table and then executes a select and saves it in a txt. The problem that is occurring is that in the last line I create a record with NULL (I am going to attach an imag...
Good day, I have to make a query about the generation of alarms, I want to know how many seconds it remains active (Column: EventTime) every period of power on and off (Column: Message), of the time that passes in that time I want to gener...
I'm trying to make a connection to a database in SQL Server from R , I have the server 172.16.XXX.XXX , the name of the database "pnet" , user: "usrname" , pwd: "pwd" .
I'm using the RODBC library, here's my...