Questions tagged as 'sql'


how to do the average oracle sql

I need to make the average of the delays of a flight database. I need to add it to the following query: SELECT V.Id_Aeropuerto_Destino AS Id_Aeropuerto, C.Nombre AS Ciudad_Destino, A.nombre AS Aeropuerto, (SELECT SUM((TO_NUMBER(V.Retraso_Sa...
asked by 26.12.2016 / 14:49

SQL syntax error using JPA Criteria Query

Good morning, I am trying to launch a SQL query that retrieves all the Sites associated with a user, using the following JPA code: CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder(); CriteriaQuery<Site> query = cb.createQuery(Site.class); R...
asked by 14.12.2016 / 20:16

Convert a stored procedure in SQLServer to Oracle

I need to pass that Stored Procedure to Oracle , I made the same logic by passing it to Oracle , but it sends me an error in OFFSET . CREATE PROCEDURE [Produccion].[MostrarCategorias] @NumeroPagina INT, @RegistrosPorPagina INT AS BE...
asked by 09.12.2016 / 15:26

duplicate records of a query

I am making a query to find all those products that are not related to a table called Stock where the "Path" field within the Stock table is different from the id that I am passing through the URL. I'm doing it in the following way: @productos...
asked by 17.11.2016 / 23:59

Search by title or custom field wordpress

I have created several pages with their respective titles and others, right? Besides, each of them has a custom field called: "color" and can have any value. My question is, how can I return in a PHP all the results of the pages that match wh...
asked by 14.11.2016 / 12:46

Given a JSON key show a record - PostgreSQL

I need to obtain the record that is inside a table in which there is a JSON column in which one of its keys matches a given one. SELECT json_object_keys("Localizacion") LIKE 'prop1' FROM ejemplo "EstanciaHospitalaria" Returns if in each...
asked by 28.11.2016 / 13:21

Problem to reference keys in IBM informix [closed]

My situation is as follows. Structure: Grupo (GrupoId, GrupoNombre) Asignatura (AsignaturaId, AsignaturaNombre) GrupoTieneAsignatura (GrupoId, AsignaturaID) Planilla(GrupoId(de grupotieneasignatura), AsignaturaID(de grupotieneasignatura), otro...
asked by 03.11.2016 / 22:12

Wait for a change in the database to return the result in web api controller

I have programmed some Web Api controllers to feed a mobile application with data ... In one of the controls I must wait for a column in a table for a specific ID to change to return a response (in this case a JSON) I was trying to use Sql...
asked by 18.10.2016 / 00:26

Views for cubes

Hello everyone, does anyone know if it will be possible to create views from a cube? That is, I have a cube with many metrics and dimensions, but I have many users who want to see the cube but do not want to see all the metrics or all the dimens...
asked by 28.09.2016 / 01:47

Search without reloading the page [duplicate]

I need to perform a Facebook search, that is to say, by typing the name X in an input that is filtered from a database query without reloading the page How should I do it I'm working with java and postgresql database     
asked by 13.10.2016 / 05:08