In my main activity mainActivity I show a listview of the data of my local database in SQlite consulted through a class DataBaseHelper , where the database was created and a class SQLcontrolle where is the curso...
Good I have a java program that creates a sqlite database when I finish the program I want the database to be deleted so that there is no record of it on the computer. I have the following code:
public void borrarSQLite() {
try {...
When creating a database either externally or using java code, we must create an attribute Primary key Autoincrement called _id .
With which, if I have in my relational database a id_producto in a table called Pr...
I can not change the path of SQLITE .
I set up a database in android studio and the class that extends from SQLiteOpenHelper
I have:
public Constructor (Context ctx){
super(ctx, NombreBase, null, 1)
I am developing an Android app in Kotlin and I have a table PERSONS that contains people and another table FACES that contains faces that I relate to people. The idea is that when you delete an entry of PERSONS , all the face...
I have a query:
I have a table in SQLite with this structure
[Itinerario] VARCHAR(50) NULL,
And I'm trying to enter rows with the following SQL statement:...
I want to create a database for a calendar and I need to create a field of type AUTOINCREMENT .
The fact is that when I create the database in Android Studio with SQLite it underlines me and gives me the following error:...
If you could guide me how to achieve the following:
I have a ListView and items that show all the data of my database in SQLite, I put a Radio button FIRMA = (RadioButton) findViewById(; and this is repeated in...
I'm doing a project on Android with a table structure.
But it turns out that the db does not create it correctly and I can not see what happens.
It is about 4 tables with their relations between them, it lets me create the three fir...
I would like to know how to pass data to the update function of sqlite 3:
this is the code:
conexion = sqlite3.connect("Db/Users.db")
cursor = conexion.cursor()
intem = self.lineEdit.text()
cursor.execute('UPDATE Usuarios SET Contraseña ='...