Questions tagged as 'stored-procedure'


Correct data returned by the stored procedure - SQLServer 2014

Good evening, I have a stored procedure that returns me, according to a certain hotel and a certain range of dates, the number of rooms occupied and the number of free rooms. The problem is that it gives me back the amount of free rooms. I leave...
asked by 29.06.2017 / 03:55

check and default values

I have a store to keep records, I would like to know how I can do it to have values check but if I do not enter any value have a default I tried to put them out of the store by doing alter table but I get an error: cla...
asked by 03.07.2017 / 17:13

Stored procedure to select fields from different tables with COUNT function - SQLServer 2014

I need to make an SP that allows me to show for a certain hotel and in a range of dates, the number of free rooms and the number of rooms occupied. Then I have to group them by date and category. I have the tables: Hotel, Reservations, Category...
asked by 28.06.2017 / 20:03

How to send a procedure stored in the controller in ASP.NET MVC and Entity framework

I have this code in my controller and my stored procedures are already mapped. I access the database through Entity framework and the edmx is defined. I would like to know what the code is like to send (use) my stored procedure to...
asked by 22.06.2017 / 18:32

Procedures stored in Controller Entity framework

I have a stored procedure that edits a record, the date field is with getdate() , I'm trying to use that procedure in my controller but I get an error.    No argument corresponding to the formal parameter has been given   required a...
asked by 23.06.2017 / 17:17

Syntax to remove the privilege of a user from a stored procedure?

On the MySQL command line I gave a user permission to access a stored procedure (Stored procedure) with the following syntax: GRANT EXECUTE ON PROCEDURE Acervo_bibliografico.InsertarDatoUsuario TO 'Brandon_Padilla'@'localhost';...
asked by 21.05.2017 / 02:18

Triggers vs. Stored Procedures

After searching the internet I found several tutorials on the subject, but what is still unclear to me is when to use a trigger and when a stored procedure. Thank you very much for any possible guidance !!! Sincerely, Miguel Angel     
asked by 28.05.2017 / 18:23

query distinct mysql

I have two tables: students (student_id, id_carrera, nro_doc ... rterc, eterc) PK (student_id, id_carrera). debts (rterc, eterc, date_of_voice, number_of_voice, amount, expiration ...) The table does not have debts. The field eterc is e...
asked by 18.04.2017 / 18:57

Too much response time in a Sql Server procedure

I have the following code in a procedure: DECLARE @Temp_Entidades TABLE(Id int); with Report(Id) as ( --primer select select distinct e.Id from EntidadesPersonas as ep right join Entidades as e on ep.EntidadId=e.Id where...
asked by 21.10.2016 / 21:06

Table Path that stores the Stored Procedures in MySql?

I need to migrate the database from the server, and for this I need to know which is the path of the table that stores the Stored Procedures ...     
asked by 24.08.2018 / 22:59