I'm learning about Core Animation, and from what I understood about CALayer and UIView is the layer of view is responsible for drawing the same since it uses the gpu and not the cpu, so its performance is more effecti...
I can not find the solution that works for me.
@IBOutlet weak var N1: UITextField!
@IBOutlet weak var N2: UITextField!
@IBOutlet weak var P1: UITextField!
@IBOutlet weak var P2: UITextField!
@IBOutlet weak var F1: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak v...
I am trying to download the volume to a SKAudioNode using the following code:
audioNode?.run(SKAction.changeVolume(to: 0.0, duration: 3.0 ))
You should lower the volume to 0.0 in 3.0 seconds. But the sound stops immediately.
Is it possib...
I need that when I click on an option in a side menu, the user's interaction is disabled until the view is loaded.
If you do not block it, the view is loaded as many times as clicks have been made on the menu.
I've tried this:
How can I go from textfield to other textfield by hitting the continue button on the keyboard of ios ??
I've tried with @IBAction but it only works for me if I change manually from textfield
nose if you are also having problems to convert to Swift 3 especially with frameworks like Alamofire and others, I miss thousands of errors impossible to solve, do not know how you are facing these problems?
I have a database with the table category in which has the image column with the URL of each image, how can I make them appear in the UIImage.
import Foundation
import UIKit
import WebKit
class HomeViewController: UIViewController, UITableVie...
Is there any way that the height of a UICollectionViewCell suits the content as in UITableViewCell ??
In the UITableViewCell I have this code so that the height adapts to the content:
self.tableView.rowHeight =...
Good I'm doing the test of having two view_controller one called Main and another view_2 , in each one there is a button and that serves as a navigation between them, but I fail to return.
In the first view controller...