Questions tagged as 'symfony2'


Save SQL array using Symfony2 and Doctrine

I have an array type column like this in an entity: @ORM\Column(name="acompanantes", type="array") public fuction setAcompanantes(array $acompanantes) { $this->acompanantes = $acompanantes; return $this; } public fuction getAcompan...
asked by 06.10.2017 / 15:11

Link with twig in symfony 2

I have the following problem, I want to use a template for my appweb but I have the following query: <li><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="waves-effect"><i class="fa fa-renren"></i> <span class="hide-menu">Ayl...
asked by 25.07.2017 / 17:44

because I can not download an excel file in linux

I am trying to create and download an excel file in php using the PHPExcel library. The part of creating the file goes well, but when it comes back to download in Linux it does not work for me in Windows works perfectly. // We'll be output...
asked by 11.07.2017 / 21:10

How to define several roles to the same controller using use Sensio \ Bundle \ FrameworkExtraBundle \ Configuration \ Security ;?

use AppBundle\Tests\Controller\HojaRutaControllerTest; //use Proxies\__CG__\AppBundle\Entity\Chofer; //use Proxies\__CG__\AppBundle\Entity\Omnibus; //use Proxies\__CG__\AppBundle\Entity\Ruta; //use Proxies\__CG__\AppBundle\Entity\HojaRuta; use D...
asked by 22.06.2017 / 21:16

SonataNotificationBundle: Run command in deployment on amazon Beanstalk

I have an app made with Symfony and SonataNotificationBundle. I need to deploy the app on amazon Beanstalk to execute a command to activate the consumers that I have made with sonataNotification. Currently I have two files in the .ebextension...
asked by 13.06.2017 / 07:56

I get "Forbidden access" when running symfony 1.2

I've followed the official tutorial to create myself a Symfony 1.2 installation on my local computer (Windows 10 + Xampp). (For work reasons, I need a Symfony 1.x installation, so a newer version is of no use to me.) I have already reached...
asked by 09.07.2017 / 05:07

How to create an extension twig in symfony that returns the day of the week?

How you can create an extension in twig, that does the same as this PHP code: public function nombredia($nombredia) { $dias = array('','Lunes','Martes','Miercoles','Jueves','Viernes','Sabado','Domingo'); $fecha = $dias[date('N', strt...
asked by 26.05.2017 / 00:32

Doubts of composer and Symfony2

I have a project developed with Symfony2 that almost goes into production. I started with sf 2.8.8 exactly in its standard version, and I have access to the Internet for a very short time, so I do not use composer (it's crazy). So far every time...
asked by 03.04.2017 / 05:17

Error with path in Symfony and Ajax template

I am trying to test a form with symfony with a code copied from the internet. It is about two selects, province and city, in which the values of City depend on what is selected in the Province, but when I load the page it marks the following err...
asked by 02.12.2016 / 15:20

Problems when making dependent select boxes

Good, I have problems making select dependent on another. I've tried with: link But I have not managed to make it work, the problem is that they relate to several entities but what I want is to relate to a single entity. These two var...
asked by 23.11.2016 / 13:41