Do you know any method of CreateBuilder (Doctrine), to read an array?
Let me explain:
class ExamplesRepository extends EntityRepository {
public function FindArticulosPadresid($padre) {
return $this->createQueryBuilder('seccion')...
Good! I'm making an application in Android . I already have my REST Api created in Symfony2 and now I want to do a register and login in Android using FOSUserBundle and OAuth2 . But I do not...
I have a class Printer that uses a Trait called TagTrait .
I want to send a value from the class that uses that trait so that the trait defines a relation of a table in doctrine according to what interests me.
Good morning,
My question is how to create a field of a form in symfony that allows me to obtain an object from the id that comes in the request ?, without showing me the error that "there are no extra fields".
This is because they send me...
Good morning.
My question is, how can I upload an image or a pdf file for example to the database, and then consult it to show it.
I thank you in advance for your answers.
public function newResidentAction(Request $request)
$req =...
My app has to clone a pdf from gitLabs, the latter asks me for authentication data.
Does anyone know how I can pass them on the URL or some bundle that takes care of that ???
Good morning.
What I am trying to do is to have the client with php, so I decided to use this library (Guzzle), which allows me to consume web services type rest from php.
I have already followed the documentation but I get this error:...
I have the following form in symfony:
->add('horaI', ChoiceType::class, array(
'label' => 'Hora Inicio',
'placeholder' => 'Seleccione una hora',
'attr' => array(
'class' => 'form-name form-cont...