I am working on a project with .NET and MVC and I can not compile my solution for each project I get this error:
C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Microsoft Visual Studio \ 2017 \ Community \ MSBuild \ 15.0 \ Bin \ Roslyn \ Microsoft.CSharp.Core....
The message is the same despite the fact that I saw other similar questions. Later I put other images to see how the appsettings and context are.
"ConnectionStrings": {
"DefaultConnection": "Data Source=RACPA...
Hello :) Well it is a simple program in which a .txt is handled, the program has the option to enter data, print them and search ....
My problem is in the third part: Search, the data that is saved in the txt are: Password, Name and Position...
Greetings to all I am new to MVC and I have a problem to show the following model, the table OutMaterial stores the permissions on some kind of material that goes out, the table OutlineMaterial stores specifically the materials that are...
I'm doing a project for a Pizzeria, the customer can choose the type of dough, quantity and different ingredients, everything works perfectly except the ingredients I do not know how to do it, I tried a CheckedListBox but I did not know how to d...
I have 2 questions on a single topic. The following function works on other developments normally.
Public Function VerificaUsr(ID As String, Psw As String) As Boolean
Dim Rslt As Boolean
Rslt = Conectar()
If Not Rslt Then Exit Fun...
I have a function that does not allow me to enter the same data in the same row. at the time of entering a new product if it works I can not enter a product that is already in the database, the problem if I want to change and I only want to chan...
Cordial greeting colleagues, It turns out that I have a database called quote, a form in MS Visual Basic with a listbox and a button called consult. what I want to do is, by means of the consult button, show in the listbox the information that i...
I am sending data by URL of a form to any page, but the problem is that on that page your url that receives the data is NOT encrypted.
This is my code:
Response.Redirect("SimuladorExamen.aspx?dni=" & Server.UrlEncode(txtDNI.Text) &...
I write this code, but at the time of execution, it tells me an error, it says that this function is dedeclared but it is not used .... why is this error?
private void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)