Questions tagged as 'wamp'


how to do a SQL query from different tables?

Good morning, I hope you can help me. I need to make the following query: Obtain the full name of the employees, as well as the name of the department, position and salary in which I have worked. I have the first query that is the following:...
asked by 28.11.2018 / 02:57

Error consulting text with emojis in mysql

Update ... I have the following table: CREATE TABLE 'chrislat_cms'.'opciones' ( 'id' INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , 'nombreOpcion' VARCHAR(250) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL , 'valorOpcion' LONGTEXT CHARACTER SE...
asked by 29.05.2018 / 06:22

how to get an average in an sql query?

Could you help me solve this doubt I have. I need to show for each blood type that number of employees has it, also showing the total percentage of employees of the company represents that amount. Here the problem is that in percentage...
asked by 23.11.2018 / 01:26

When detecting IP in PHP, it shows me ":: 1" [duplicated]

My question is if it is possible to use public IPs on a local server, I use WAMP, this is what I need to do some tests in which I use the detected IPs because as local servers can not detect public IP's, when trying to do it, it shows me :: 1...
asked by 26.06.2018 / 03:29

MYSQL procedures

delimiter // create procedure elimdato(in id_emple int(6),cp varchar(5)) begin DELETE FROM empleado WHERE cp=cp; end // call elimdato(1,40855); At the time of executing this procedure, I delete all the information of the table used, I woul...
asked by 31.05.2018 / 03:00

Load MySql PHP data on Ionic with Wamp64

I have installed and configured the Wamp64 server and I have managed to load the localhost and phpadmin without any problems. It also accesses projects from localhost, opening the root folder of them and the green symbol is displayed. I cre...
asked by 28.10.2018 / 00:45

Connecting Python with the MySQL database provided by WAMP Server [duplicated]

In the last days I have been learning PHP and MySQL, and I have supported the WAMP package which comes with the Apache web server, the MySQL GBD and the PHP libraries. I wanted to know if it is possible, having installed both the WAMP package...
asked by 08.08.2018 / 09:10

Run a local PHP MySQL Web application

It happens that I have made a system in PHP, this system works through queries to a DB created in MySQL. I have used WAMP for the installation of the server that provides me the functionalities that I require, PHP, MySQL, Apache. The doubt ar...
asked by 22.03.2018 / 00:59

SSL Certification APACHE -WAMP

I have the certificates generated by goDady and the .key and crt files, however when I restart the services it does not start apache (I guess due to errors), what am I doing wrong? # Virtual Hosts # <VirtualHost *:443> ServerName lo...
asked by 03.10.2017 / 18:44

Open php document on localhost from Sublime Text

I have a problem, I have never used Sublime Text and I would like that when editing a php file, pressing for example the f12 key from sublime opened in localhost (Chrome). But I can not do it. I have the active wanpserver and the direction of...
asked by 11.05.2017 / 02:59