I'm trying to solve a problem, my App in xamarin needs the camera in a View. When the App is opened, it asks for the permissions (if the user grants the permissions, everything is fantastic), if the user rejects them, when entering the view, I p...
Hello friends I would like to send a POST from Xamarin , but I am getting this error when I try to send it and I would like to know if I am sending my headers correctly. When I try to send my app it stops and it throws me an error that says...
I have a question to ask. I have an app that works as a work attendance clock, and when making the entry or exit, I get the GPS data, these are:
Date and time.
The detail I have is that if you change the time of the de...
It turns out that I am developing an application using Xamarin for Android consumption and well, the problem is when I want to authenticate my app with Facebook, I followed this tutorial (I used the Xamarin.Auth package)
link but I got the f...
Could you help me with this exception error in xamarin, I can not find the error, I'm doing a MasterDetailPage, the other pages work invividually including the menu
This is where the error marks me
private void InitializeComponent()...
I have a project in Xamarin Forms and I want to consume service from an external page. I'm trying to install the package Microsoft.Net.Http to consume these services and I get the following error:
The package 'Microsoft.Bcl.Build 1....
Hello, someone could help me with this code, what happens is that I'm having problems passing it to c #
public void onBindViewHolder(ViewHolder viewHolder, int position) {
final int pos = position;
I'm trying to install the Paypal SDK (1.7.0) and I get the following error:
Could not install package 'PayPalCoreSDK 1.7.0'. You are trying to
install this package into a project that targets
'portable-net45 + win + MonoTouch10 + MonoA...