I have created a table in a MySQL database that stores a text field:
CREATE TABLE 'Usuarios' (
'Id' int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
'Nombre' varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
My problem is as follows, I have declared the following variable in the scope:
In my HTML I have:
<div ng-repeat="opcion in menu.opciones"><l...
I have a messaging class, in which valid if any required field is empty or business rules which information by a string variable comes to the presentation.
public class Mensajeria
Resto de código
My question is implementing CustomEx...
How do I get this program to organize the data in the same Array so that first the numbers are greater than 0 and then the zeros in the Ordenar() method? For example:
Good afternoon, in my project I have the following attributes and constructor of an Abstract Class:
private int number;
public Card ( int number ) {
this.number = number ;
Of which inherits the following C...
I have this code in PHP that repeats me 10 times the same select with the same information.
for ($i=1; $i < 11; $i++)
<div class="form-group">
<label>Prioridad '.$i.' de horario</label>...
I have two lists in Python:
a = [1, 5, 5]
b = [2, 10, 8]
If 1 < 2 and 5 < 10 and 5 < 8 , that is, if each element of the list a is less than its corresponding element list b , then the variable c...
Hello guys for a long time I wanted to introduce myself in the PHP world but I had never finished giving the pleasure, one of the issues I have is how to manage the routes of the include and require already if you have several folders to include...
Greetings, I am trying to center the arrow I make with the pseudo-elements :Before and :after of css but I can not find how to solve my problem, the idea is that the arrow will focus on div that contains it and that the arro...
I have tried many methods, but in the end they always fail.
The only one that did not give me problems was to do a validation with GET getting the id ,
header('Location: /App'); }
but it does not ma...