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Get type of an entity framework property

Good morning, You would need to obtain, at run time, the corresponding property data type: foreach(string unaPropiedad in listColumnNames) { clsEntidad.getype().getproperty(unaPropiedad); PropertyInfo prop= prop.propertyType; Type...
asked on 23.08.2016 / 17:51

Error in property css with background-image: url

I have provided this code in another question that I have done the code does exactly what I want, which is that when I mouse over it shows me an iframe. But when I put it on my website made with Adobe Muse the code shows errors. I attach an im...
asked on 06.06.2016 / 11:09

Is it possible to create an input that is self-adjusting to its content?

By design I require that a input go self-adjusting according to the size of the text that is entered, in the following image I show what I need, the line must be pasted at the end of the text "title", but if put a longer string, the in...
asked on 09.12.2016 / 17:39

Why does turning the device (from portrait to landscape or vice versa) close the fragment in which I am currently?

Good morning. I have a Activity that is a DrawerMenu (side menu), from which I make calls to different fragments, the problem I have is that when I access a Fragment and turn the device, it closes the Fragment and...
asked on 13.12.2016 / 20:40

Execute $ .ajax within a cycle

I have a problem with the following code, I want to execute within a cycle for a call $.ajax until the exit condition of the cycle is fulfilled, however the cycle does all its iterations and in the final iteration run the ajax...
asked on 05.01.2017 / 21:33

Classes in python

I know that this is basic, but we could say that I am a bit new in python and there are things that I do not know. I want to make a call for a function within another function, they are all within the same class. Example: Import ClassHeredada...
asked on 23.11.2016 / 00:43

Why can not I delete an object from a list in python?

I present my code: numbers = list(range(0, 30, 2)) for i in range(0, 30): if numbers[i] % 2 == 0 and numbers[i] == 2: numbers[i] = 2 if numbers[i] % 2 == 0: numbers.remove(i) print(numbers)                Traceback...
asked on 26.12.2016 / 19:45

Can a pack of icons in png be used in Android? [closed]

I'm learning Android and I'm doing an application of time. Depending on the time I do I want to put a different icon, my question is if you can use the packs of icons that come in PNG in Android, or if I have to have an icon of each type in a di...
asked on 22.11.2016 / 08:31

How to recover all the GridFs files in MongoDB?

I have saved files in Mongodb using GridFs and C # but now I need to recover ALL the files I have saved in my database and store them in a folder. I hope you can advise me a little. Thanks This is the Code as I keep my files var connectionS...
asked on 22.11.2016 / 16:25

Failed "You need to use a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant) with this activity." when opening an Alert Dialog on Android

Good morning classmates! In the middle of the project that I am developing on Android, I want that when you click on an image, when you push it out, a dialog box appears asking for confirmation: This is the code I have to open the image:...
asked on 10.06.2016 / 08:17