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I do not work the average inside the for

I'm doing a program, I have a problem with the average that gives me 0, and try to put it out of for and the same thing happens, could someone tell me my error? Sentence: Given the salaries and category of 5 employees is asked...
asked on 09.08.2018 / 22:07

Validate valid emails in a textarea

I have a textarea that validates a string of emails separated by commas, or better known as CSV. The event works half-heartedly, because it does what I want but not as I would like. When adding a string, if there are 2 invalid emails followed...
asked on 22.03.2018 / 17:07

Can you import props from another component?

If we import an object or a json, we can import it and send it by the props of a Component. Example: import Componente from './componente.js' import items from './menu.js' then in the App class render() { return(...
asked on 27.10.2017 / 09:15

Go through the dictionary in the template

I have the following view: from django.shortcuts import render def ini (request): dic = {"nombre" : "Mauro", "apellido" : "London", "sexo" : "M"} return render(request, "ini.html", dic ) and the ini.html: {% extends 'base.html' %...
asked on 11.10.2018 / 01:56

Because the syntax to indicate that a parameter of a generic class is comparable is T extends ComparableT?

I've been looking at different posts about the same question but I do not understand why in the syntax <T extends Comparable<T>> you put the word extends and not the word implements , if Comparable is an in...
asked on 31.10.2018 / 00:03

How do I get the weight of a file with python?

I would like to know how you can get the size of a ".txt" file in Python, for example in bytes. I have been looking on the Internet and I can not find any method that is useful for this. Thank you very much.     
asked on 22.01.2018 / 20:55

php to establish connection to the database

hello community I'm just learning the object-oriented programming for reasons of scalability in my application and well I have this code to establish connection to the database .. file config.php $host="localhost"; $user="root"; $pass="";...
asked on 09.09.2018 / 00:33

memory management

I have a question: What is more expensive in terms of memory usage: create an object of a class, use it and, after it is not occupied, equal it to null ; or keep it open throughout the process? Example: public class Conexiones { p...
asked on 28.11.2018 / 16:47

SQL - Show date in "Lun dd-mm-yyyy" format

I've searched Stack Overflow but I can not find it. In SQL Sever 2008 I have a table called "tbltemp" with a field called "day", this field is DateTime type. When I consult direct dates on this field, it shows the following: Select day fro...
asked on 18.04.2017 / 21:33

Error creating effect with css

I want to make the following design with css, but it does not work for me. This is my code. .card-face-path { background: -webkit-repeating-linear-gradient(#BA68C8, #BA68C8 3px, transparent 3px, transparent 6px); background: re...
asked on 26.04.2017 / 02:07