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String.format vs. StringBuilder vs. String.Concat vs string + string

I'm doing a log in .Net which before and after each process will be filled string with the message: "proceso x realizado \n" "proceso y saltado \n" //porque o se realiza x o y "proceso a fallo al sumar \n" "proceso n [...] \n"...
asked on 24.02.2017 / 00:40

Find the first row of a matrix containing all positive elements and the sum of these elements

Find the first row of a matrix containing all the positive elements and the sum of these elements. Reduce all elements of this matrix to this sum. To achieve the required, you should find the array that has all the positive elements, save the...
asked on 10.01.2016 / 15:22

Error 404 on AJAX requests from Android after changing the server certificate

We are doing a hybrid app with Phonegap and jQuery Mobile that, through ajax requests, retrieves some data from an external server in JSON format and then treats them. We have never had any problems in iOS or Android. Since we updated the s...
asked on 18.12.2015 / 09:04

Subtract two dates in c #

How can I subtract two dates in C #? I have two DateTime variables and I wanted to return the result in hours of them. DateTime fecharegistro = {04/05/2018 8:34:01} //obtenemos este valor de una bbdd DateTime fechafin = DateTime.Now.Substra...
asked on 07.05.2018 / 16:06

CSS for alert () or confirm () JavaScript

I would like you to help me to give css to the alert() and the confirm() of javascript, so that my messages are something elegant, I do not want to opt for a modal only for confirmations, so if someone knew how to I realize I would...
asked on 14.08.2017 / 04:53

Abstract class with constructor

Can a clase abstracta of Java have constructor ? And if so, what are your goals?     
asked on 02.12.2015 / 13:55

Best search algorithm in C #

I was wondering if anyone knows what kind of methods are the most efficient to implement in very intensive searches (arrays) (I speak of arrays of millions of elements) from C #, for example it is better to use IndexOf or BinarySearch to obtain...
asked on 01.09.2016 / 03:44

Permissions to make calls compatible with Android 6.0 and earlier versions

In my app, I am creating a Activity with several TextView that collects the information from a database in SQLite integrated in my app, and one of the data is the phone. My intention with this data, was to be able to crea...
asked on 09.06.2016 / 21:45

Problem with the "encoding": Characters correctly stored in MySQL appear "rare" in Java

Dear, I have a small problem with a Java application that I am writing. It is an application that connects via JDBC to MySQL. When saving the records, the characters are saved correctly (if I write "Mexico" in a JText box and send it to the d...
asked on 30.04.2016 / 18:02

How to load data in Spinner Determine how they are displayed

I have a problem with the view of the spinners in Android, the list of data that I load in the spinner is correctly ordered from the AZ but when selecting the spinner it is shown from the Z and I have to scroll the scroll view towards up. Cou...
asked on 11.05.2016 / 21:06