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How does the "if" work?

I have that question about how if works in low level programming. If you do the check in the RAM going through all the addresses that contain it.     
asked on 02.03.2017 / 23:36

AngularJS share on Facebook

How to share an url or article on Facebook from a site routed with AngularJS? It happens that Facebook does not recognize the meta tags og: .... I have searched a lot but I can not find concrete answers. Any ideas? I tried the following: I...
asked on 19.05.2017 / 15:58

SII Model: Send data to the Web Service using vba

I try to connect to the Web Service of the AEAT (SII) to send XML files. I have a tremendous amount of research and testing, but I am very close to abandonment, or postpone it until there is more information on the net. For sending, I am tryi...
asked on 20.07.2017 / 13:09

API for Android to interact with WhatsApp

The initial idea is to connect or have an application Android so you can interact with WhatsApp (for example, send text to WhatsApp, activate or deactivate functions for a specific user ect). I searched for some API for t...
asked on 11.01.2016 / 18:37

Full screen from WebView does not work

I've been looking for ways to make the full-screen button of the Video.JS player work from a Webview view in android. This is the code I'm trying, it only works with youtube videos. I've seen the full-screen button if it w...
asked on 17.02.2017 / 16:19

Why can not I close the window when I validate TextBox with ErrorProvider in C #?

I'm doing validations in C # with ErrorProvider. Validations are about TextBox . //Llama al método valida para decidir si el TextBox está vacío. private void textBox1_Validating(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { valida(sende...
asked on 21.02.2018 / 15:31

Database storage on Android and iOS with Cordova

I have developed applications for Android mobile devices with Cordova that have used localStorage to save the data, because they were small amounts (configuration, records and high scores, etc.) and, until now, I have not had any problems...
asked on 16.08.2016 / 17:16

In linux, can a file or directory belong to more than one group?

I am a beginner in Linux, and this doubt came to me: Can a file or directory belong to more than one group?
asked on 04.08.2016 / 20:58

How to assign to the same element two CSS3 animations

I'm trying to make an animation of div that the first 2 seconds appear and position itself in the center of the page and once this animation is finished, it executes a second animation that consists of rotating this div 360 degrees...
asked on 18.01.2017 / 15:51

Crash cycle?

I have a problem with a while cycle. I want my program to only accept 4-digit numbers, and, if the user enters one that is out of range, it will miss error. I had done this, but I noticed that from a certain number of figures, the program end...
asked on 26.02.2018 / 07:47