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Android adapter to reorder by distance

I'm trying to reorder my list of items by distance (using getListView from Android, not a custom one) and I'm having problems. I'm getting the spherical distance in meters (double type) using Maps Utils inside the adapter (SomeAdapter). dou...
asked on 05.10.2017 / 19:51

What is the XML property fitSystemWindows (android) for?

android:fitsSystemWindows = true On several occasions I have come across this property for the preparation of layouts, however on many occasions this same cause unexpected behavior, which take time to identify that this causes it. Definitio...
asked on 21.10.2017 / 07:05

redirect html page when trying to enter from the browser

I need to avoid entering an html address, that is, if someone tries to enter from the browser, it directs it to the main page. On the other hand, it is only possible to access from the main page. I would like to do it from htaccess, my js is...
asked on 03.11.2017 / 17:24

List folders and files in Qt Creator

I want to make a program that tells me what folders and files I have within a given route. The code that I used is the following: #include <QDir> #include <QDebug> int main(){ QStringList lista = QDir("C:/Imagenes").entryList...
asked on 03.10.2017 / 16:25

How to convert json to object in c #?

I have the next json. {Estudiante: {nombre:'paco', edad: 20, sexo: 'm'}, Recibos: [{folio:'A1213', fecha:'10-02-2017', total: 56}, {folio:'A1213', fecha:'10-02-2017', tot...
asked on 09.11.2017 / 21:13

How to super put div with css?

I have a div that is a kind of container (which also has style) and I want to put another two div, one on the left with an image and the other on the right with options. I'm trying to do it but honestly I do not know why the second div does not...
asked on 05.10.2017 / 19:56

How to know if a break has been executed

Good, I have a doubt and I can not find an answer anywhere. The fact is that I have in a script a loop for in which I have a condition with a break statement. What I would like to know is if there is any way of knowing if the br...
asked on 26.10.2017 / 13:41

How to create a WinForm User Control project

I need to create a User Control for a .NET 3.5 application in winforms under Visual Studio 2015 as a separate project, I have seen that it is easy to add one from a project, however as a project I can not find the way. When I'm going to creat...
asked on 21.11.2017 / 09:45

capture the values of the option regex attributes by groups

I have this regular expression <option\s?(value="(.+?)?")?\s?(selected="selected")?>(.+?)<\/option>  validating in the content of a page the option labels of a select that are created dynamically. I need to capture the value i...
asked on 15.11.2017 / 17:41

Problem HTTPS wordpress, plesk

Good, I have a website made in wordpress. When I put it in HTTPS I do not load the styles and it gives some problems. The error that gives me is this    Mixed Content: The page at ' link ' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure s...
asked on 21.11.2017 / 10:35