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Change color ProgressBar

I wanted to know how to change the progress color of a circular ProgressBar (not the one that is a bar) the code of my progress bar    android: id="@ + id / pg_bar" android:layout_width="65dp" android:layout_height="65dp" an...
asked on 16.06.2016 / 18:25

Change Variable Name Android Studio

I would like to change the name of all the variables that have the same name. Do you know any commands? Android Studio     
asked on 10.12.2017 / 00:39

Query database every X seconds

What I need to do is the following, I do not know why but if you update a data in database does not paint it at once in my view, I must run my project to see the update of the data. I would like to do a method that every 5 seconds consult the da...
asked on 06.06.2016 / 19:10

the main class was not found

Hello at the moment of compiling the TEST FILE in the console with javacc I get it    "Error: the main class was not found or loaded " This is my JJ FILE: >PARSER_BEGIN(ProyectoCompi) >class ProyectoCompi...
asked on 26.06.2016 / 23:03

Change language in the app

I'm doing an app in Spanish with swift2, but there are things that come out in English like for example when I use the camera from the app it says "Take photo". How can I change the language to Spanish?     
asked on 01.07.2016 / 12:10

Difference between Interface and Abstract class (particularly in PHP)

I have a doubt that eats my head and I searched in San Google but I find only technical answers and they do not help me much. I would like you to be able to tell me in a simple and clear way (if you will) the difference between an interface a...
asked on 23.06.2016 / 07:54

Problems with width and height at 100%

I need help, I have problems with a CSS code. I have the following document both html and body I have set them to occupy all the height and width of the screen. inside body I have a container box, that in turn has two boxes plus header and conte...
asked on 02.07.2016 / 17:48

Doubt about error type of data and values in Java

I am learning how to program and I have the following exercise. I have to initialize different variables with the type of data that contains the smallest number of bits for said variable, at a certain value that they have given us. The fact is t...
asked on 11.02.2018 / 20:16

Disable click, but enable scroll in a div

I'm using: <style type="text/css" media="print,screen"> #aviso { pointer-events:none; } </style> to deny the option to click inside that div, but I want to be able to scroll inside it, which does not allow me to...
asked on 08.06.2016 / 18:24

Windows API - Read / Write from the Serial port

I'm trying to send an AT command to a 3G module whose response is going to be OK. I want to capture that OK in a buffer for its subsequent treaty. For this I did the following: 1- Abri the port according to: hSerial = CreateFile("\\.\COM1",...
asked on 22.02.2018 / 16:42