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C ++: std: endl VS \ n

I understand that the only difference between the two ways of making a new line is that the first one also empties the output buffer. Could you show me a practical example where you can see the difference in using one and the other?     
asked on 24.06.2016 / 19:27

how to get a process launched from a script not to die when the script ends?

I'm trying to launch a dbus client, programmed using a Python script, from another script launched using a udev rule (which runs as root), and I need this dbus client to remain running when the script ends. The dbus client to launch is: #!/...
asked on 26.03.2018 / 19:18

what is the meta tag http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" for?

I found the tag: <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge" /> I know it works for compatibility, I found this page: link but I would like know if someone can give me a little more information on how it works. Thanks     
asked on 18.08.2017 / 22:46

Read directory from console in C

Hello, I have the following code: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <dirent.h> // Libreria encargada del tema de los directorios #include <string.h> void load(){ char dir[250]...
asked on 08.05.2017 / 17:37

Change of id in form

I have a form where I fill in a series of fields of a JPA entity, the case is that between the fields there is a list which I am filling in with a modal, until then everything is correct, in fact I have this method done for several controllers a...
asked on 02.12.2015 / 13:03

Database in R?

Greetings, I have problems with the insertion of new records to a Database. I use the library RODBC to connect to the database from R, all right there, but when I want to add a record that I have stored in a data frame like: datos<...
asked on 16.12.2015 / 00:23

Create android photo gallery

I would like to be able to develop an activity that accesses a folder with photos and creates a gallery to view them. I think I have practically everything done, but for whatever reason it does not finish visualizing itself well. Layout :...
asked on 16.08.2016 / 12:16

multiple sums in the same table

I have the following problem, I have 1 table in mysql where I have the information of people who have a debt from a clothing store for several years, what I want is a query that gives me the name of the person and that adds up your debt. Exam...
asked on 03.06.2016 / 22:32

IOS: Error with Google Maps, it does not load the map but the bookmarks

Google Maps does not load the map on iphone, but when I connect the iphone to the xcode and execute the project, if it loads the map correctly. This is the code: let camera = -33.868, longitude: 151.20...
asked on 09.03.2018 / 17:23

Use JNA to access a function of a DLL (C #) from Java?

I have a DLL ( TransferImg.dll ) that is written in C# (provided by an external company), which tells me that I need to create an interface to access image transmission functions from JAVA, I was investigating of how, but I h...
asked on 27.07.2017 / 00:00