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Obtain the line and column of an XML node

In this project I am defining object configurations in XML format. An example is this is the case of a contextual menu: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <root> <menu name="remates" widget="uiRemates" onshow="showMenu"...
asked on 19.12.2015 / 02:33

kruskal wallis significant (kruskal.test) and dunn test (dunn.test) not significant in R

I am new to the use of the R programming language and I have tried with this to do a Kruskal Wallis and then a Dunn test (with Bonferroni correction) using data from 6 fish species, 15 months of sampling, different number of samples ( between 25...
asked on 18.03.2016 / 22:45

Is it possible for a subprocess to end the parent process?

The problem is as follows. I have a thread that connects to a Telnet, the problem is that sometimes the telnet is stuck, or the connection is lost momentarily and the program that connects with the telnet is pointing to nothing. The proble...
asked on 06.02.2018 / 17:46

Delete text until the first occurrence in Java

How can you eliminate part of a text until you find the first occurrence? Also eliminating the occurrence found. Sample text: <div>soy la primera linea</div><div>soy la segunda linea</div> the occurrence would b...
asked on 28.08.2016 / 10:40

Validate DatePicker Jquery

I am validating my form with formvalidation , the date is only Valid if I write it, if I choose it from the calendar, it is not valid. If you can help me validate it, I would appreciate your help. I use the datepicker from Jquery. Form fie...
asked on 06.06.2016 / 22:05

Texture in Sphere with Open GL

I'm trying to put a texture in a quadric object of glut in c ++ but for some reason I'm putting the texture in the background, I'm new with glut, if someone could help me. void drawScene(void){ glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFE...
asked on 03.03.2017 / 01:09

Cancel an action

I'm designing an html table with Jquery which only edits the records or just cancels when editing, which starts my problem here. Simply wish is that by pressing the cancel button return the data to as they were before, for example: In my tabl...
asked on 03.04.2018 / 00:33

Equivalence of "+=" of javascript in php?

In javascript there is this: += to go concatenating values after those that have already been added. Is there something similar in php? What I want to do is a forEach of a array that adds the elements of the array to a...
asked on 22.08.2018 / 05:38

Position footer ALWAYS stuck to the bottom of the page

Good afternoon people! I searched for half an hour and did not find anything that would help me or give me positive results. I have a dynamic table that changes the number of rows to display according to what one selects from the DropDownList. T...
asked on 23.05.2016 / 20:34

Differences between x ++ and ++ x in JavaScript [duplicated]

What are the differences between these two expressions? x++ and ++x This is the code I was trying to understand: var x=1, y=1, z=0; do{ z=x+y; console.log("z= "+ z);} while(++x<=1 && y++>...
asked on 05.09.2017 / 11:44