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Filter words in python

I would like to filter in a program that I have made that hunts specific messages from a database. I've been watching other posts and googling a bit, and if I duplicate any existing questions, I apologize, but I can not find exactly what I'm...
asked on 12.12.2018 / 16:50

Difference in parentheses while with return

Why can I do this: return (tarea->ini == NULL) && (tarea->fin == NULL); // no hay parentesis global but not while (tarea->ini != NULL) && (tarea->ini != kol) // no hay parentesis global ? since it tells me...
asked on 20.03.2018 / 04:12

Print variables before looping

I have the following code: public static void main(String[] args) { String a1 = "aa"; String a2 = "bb"; String a3 = "cc"; String a4 = "dd"; for(int i = 0; i<3; i++){ String a5 = ("a"+ i)...
asked on 08.08.2017 / 21:10

Enable and disable item with jQuery

   From the original OS question Disable / enable an input with   jQuery? I want to enable and disable elements of an HTML page (be it inputs, divs, buttons, etc.). How can I solve it using jQuery?     
asked on 01.08.2017 / 09:24

Rounded buttons on android

I have this: In drawable a file called: boton_redondo.xml whose content is: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <selector xmlns:android=""> <solid android:color="#F5D0A9"/>...
asked on 04.05.2016 / 13:11

Show zeros to the left of an integer in C ++

Hi, I have a 4-digit integer, which sometimes for example, will be vetted, sometimes it will have zeros to its left, but the problem is that I do not know how to show the leading zeros. Let's suppose that I have the following integer: 0382...
asked on 11.03.2017 / 19:03

Error 216 when creating a project in Android Studio

I have installed Android Studio but I get the following error when creating a project:    Error: CreateProcess error = 216, This version of% 1 is not compatible with   the version of Windows you are running. Check the information of   ...
asked on 25.09.2016 / 22:05

How to reload a datatables in angular?

I want that when I press any key in the field filter_campo recharge the table, I tried with dtOptions.destroy; and dtOptions.renderer; but none of the 2 recharges the table. This is the library I'm using: link cate...
asked on 20.09.2018 / 22:49

run a .bat from C # without displaying the CMD window

I'm creating a .exe to run a .jar, it works, the only problem is that it shows a pop-up window ( CMD ) for a few milliseconds, is there any way to make this not happen? Here is my code to run the .bat : using System; nam...
asked on 08.11.2017 / 19:25

How to rotate 180 degrees horizontally a div

I have a simple example of a div, which I want to rotate 180 degrees horizontally, my example rotates vertically which I do not want <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> div { width: 200px; height: 10...
asked on 23.12.2016 / 23:33