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Validate an email in JavaScript that accepts all Latin characters

Question How to validate an e-mail that accepts all Latin characters? By Latin characters I mean accented letters, ñ , ç , and all those used by languages such as Spanish, Portuguese, Italian ... Latin. Context The goal...
asked on 01.12.2015 / 21:55

Is it possible to read a character by keyboard in Java?

I would need to know how to read a character by keyboard in Java . I know you can read a number, or a phrase, but this time I would like you to read just one character, and that the system displays a message, immediately after pressing that...
asked on 27.11.2016 / 23:07

Is it the same to use .AsString as .Text to get the value of a field from a DataSet?

After seeing a certain code, I realized that they use this style: aStr:=tblAcct.FieldByName('Name').Text; It seems to work fine, but I had used it so far: aStr:=tblAcct.FieldByName('Name').AsString; I have used both when loading a TMem...
asked on 30.10.2015 / 00:54

Show progress bar with values while loading subpage

I have a preload or progress that I show before being redirected to another page. What I want is that while it is loading to open another page, the div of the progress is increasing up to 100%, as well as a numerical value (n / 100). I cur...
asked on 12.02.2016 / 01:53

Improvement to perform the factorial in the rust language

I am beginning to study the language rust and, as I usually do to compare with other languages, I want to implement the factorial calculation for large numbers (aka "BigInts" ). I use the version rust 1.9.0 (stable) , which forces me to s...
asked on 27.06.2016 / 15:09

How to join the values of an object of a json to an array

I have this JSON. [{ GRUPO1: '3096', PER1: '0', PER2: '0', PER3: '0', PER4: '0', PER5: '0', PER6: '0', PER7: '3096', PER8: '0', PER9: '0', PER10: '0', PER11: '0', PER12: '0', TOTAL:...
asked on 29.08.2016 / 19:50

Success Juggler in Python

I have to create a program that asks the user for natural numbers or 0 to finish and for each number that the user enters, the program must create a juggling sequence and display them on the screen. In turn, when the program ends, you...
asked on 29.11.2018 / 15:43

Search data in an ArrayList of objects

I am creating an application where each user has their respective profile. These profiles are stored in a ArrayList . I have problems when creating a method to find registered or present users in ArrayList and I have to do it with 2...
asked on 10.05.2016 / 16:00

Transition in CSS

What I try to do is to leave a background shadow that goes from left to right. The background what it does is give it another background color, but instead of it appearing, it moves. modify everything. Now I did this: .Grupo { transit...
asked on 28.02.2018 / 19:41

What is a Symbol for in JavaScript? (ES6)

Reading the MDN documentation where we talk about the primitive data Symbol for more that I read and reread I do not understand what would be a use case for that element more than to iterate Symbol.iterator . The documentation sa...
asked on 29.12.2015 / 18:58