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c # WCF Error in response of Webservice when consuming with SOAP MTOM of Electronic Billing

I am consuming a Web Service to send a file But in the debug it returns the following exception:    System.ServiceModel.S...
asked on 07.09.2018 / 15:21

Boolean operators Python

Hello my question is a very simple question, I have these two expressions and let me analyze them to see if I do it correctly: False or not (True and True) False In this first expression following the recommended order, I first analyze not...
asked on 01.10.2016 / 17:19

Is it correct to use the same id and name in the input of an html form?

I would like to know if it is a good practice to place the same in id and in name when I am going to program, for example, in HTML and PHP. Could it affect the code when it is already advanced? What consequences could it have to do?     
asked on 19.04.2017 / 02:28

Validate a select2 field with jquery-validate

good I have a form in which through a query from php to my bd I charge a select, in which I use the select2 library to be able to search in my registers .. my problem is that when validating this field with jquery-validate This seems to ignore i...
asked on 31.07.2017 / 21:14

session_start (): Can not start session when headers already sent

I receive this warning that does not allow me to continue:    Warning: session_start (): Can not start session when headers already sent in C: \ xampp \ htdocs \ bancoinfocial \ index.php on line 45       Notice: Undefined variable: _SESSION...
asked on 19.04.2018 / 15:41

Doubt about Builders and use of getters and Setters

I am practicing with a program to read data from a Pseudo Speed and Pressure sensor using getters and setter. As the sensor does not exist, the values that the user enters via the reader from the main method have been assigned. The exercise e...
asked on 14.07.2017 / 08:12

Create global variables

I am quite new to the Python syntax in particular such as creating global, nonlocal and local variables and how to declare them without syntax errors . For example in the next program, I have # Estamos creando el juego de Piedra, papel o t...
asked on 23.05.2016 / 21:37

Generate EXE for Windows different Architectures

How to compile a Python desktop application for Windows with PyInstaller? The problem is the difference of architectures, I'm using PyInstaller to generate an EXE from the x64 architecture when executing it in x86 it tells me that there is an...
asked on 30.03.2016 / 21:03

Perform round-trip binding with 2 objects and knockoutjs

I would like to know if it is possible to make a binding between two objects ( viewmodel ), the first is created as part of the function and the other is created from the Get , and the property that you would like to synchronize betw...
asked on 15.12.2015 / 18:57

Operator? when writing data types

I have a curiosity and I want to get rid of the doubt, in which cases a variable is declared in the following way: public short? Secuendia {get; set;} What does the question mark mean and in which cases the data type is accompanied by a cha...
asked on 01.04.2016 / 00:18