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Parallax effect in ViewPager using Glide

I'm using glide to load the images and apply the ViewPager to visualize them horizontally. I would like to add to these images the Parallax effect (that the image moves slower to the viewPager). For this reason, when having a horizontal list...
asked on 02.02.2017 / 16:57

Problems with MySQL in XAMPP

Every time I press start on the MySQL button in XAMPP , I find this message: Status change detected: running 16:21:27 [mysql] Attempting to start MySQL app... And it does not happen there, how can I solve it?     
asked on 25.09.2018 / 00:25

How to call a zeep python service?

I'm trying to connect to a SOAP service with the Zeep library. I have a function that mocks the data and makes the call: def cotizacionGuia(self,valor_declarado): wsdl = '
asked on 28.03.2018 / 12:26

Excessive response time between MySQL and PHP

I am making an application which validates certain user data by checking if the provided data exists in the database, the responses of the database can take at least 3 seconds, but making the queries directly in the database , the answers are im...
asked on 13.10.2018 / 01:39

Error "undefined is not an object" in plugin react-native iOS for MercadoPago? [closed]

The problem is that I need to call Mercado Pago from my application that is done in react-native, but I can not find the form. I found one, but it's only for Android . How can I integrate it, is there an Official SDK or MercadoPago Plug...
asked on 26.01.2017 / 03:43

Obtain opposite polynomial

I know it can be silly but I can not find how to do it. I want to know how I can calculate the opposite polynomial created in Numpy regardless of its degree . Example that does not work for me: import numpy as np p0 = np.poly1d([2., 0.,...
asked on 19.04.2016 / 21:22

Insert values in database using php

It gives me an error when inserting some values in the database. I've been watching for a while now and I'm not right with the error. This is my code: HTML form: <form action="#" method="post"> <f...
asked on 06.06.2016 / 13:54

Reverse word order in assembler text string

I have a problem with my assembly language project. I was asked to make a program where a string was requested (message) and after entering it, I will show this one in reverse (the last word of the string will be the first, without changing the...
asked on 18.05.2016 / 02:42

How to replace ProgressDialog (obsolete) with ProgressBar in retrofit?

Since ProgressDialog is "deprecated" I am trying to replace it with a ProgressBar, I have an activity with a list and I am trying to show a ProgressBar before the list is displayed after an http query with retrofit. I have used "progre...
asked on 04.05.2018 / 10:18

array_merge inside a foreach

I am trying to join two arrays , I have the following: In the variable $ventas I have the following object: { "Mesa": [ { "producto": "Mesa", "mes": "6", "total": "1" }, { "producto_id": "0...
asked on 10.08.2018 / 22:53