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Working with python lists

I have the following list lista=[('1', '3', 0.29), ('1', '2', 0.36), ('1', '5', 0.32), ('1', '7', 0.19), ('0', '2', 0.26), ('0', '4', 0.38), ('0', '7', 0.16), ('0', '6', 0.58), ('3', '2', 0.17), ('3', '6', 0.52), ('2', '7'...
asked on 18.06.2017 / 01:50

Round to two decimals when necessary

I would like to round to two decimals, only when necessary . Below are examples of inputs and outputs Entry: 10 1.7777777 9.1 Exit: 10 1.78 9.1 How can I do this in JavaScript? Fragment var valor = [ 10, 1.77777777...
asked on 11.02.2017 / 14:26

How does the range of a specific type of data affect in C language?

Most videos in C show a table with the type of data, its size and range. In the case of INT the value is between -32768 a 32767 . I would like to know what this affects, since I put a value like this 33000 and it...
asked on 31.03.2017 / 21:12

How to Join Arrangements in C #

I need to join 2 Arrays type string and that all the data remain in a single arrangement it sounds like it can be done but I do not know how to achieve this     
asked on 28.03.2017 / 23:20

Can a flexible div be created in height?

I would like to create a div that when enlarging the browser page, will grow as an image does with width: 100%; height:auto; Is there any way to do it today? My intention would be to create a div with a 16: 9 aspect ratio that incre...
asked on 17.10.2017 / 12:10

Query grouped with different counters

Good afternoon, I hope you are well. I have a problem with a SQL query that paints to be simple but I think it is not, I have the following table with this information: id pais sexo == ======== ==== 1 Venezuela F 2 Venezuela F 3 Venez...
asked on 06.12.2016 / 22:12

How to pass the content of one textarea, to another from another page using JavaScript or Jquery?

I have a page called form.aspx , which contains a form with the following code: <textarea name="summernote3" id="summernote" runat="server"></textarea> <img id="Img2" alt="Editar en pantalla Completa" src="../imagenes/botones/e...
asked on 08.01.2016 / 18:43

Passing GTM 0 to local date

I want to pass a date that is in GTM0 to my local time, according to momentjs it's from this way , but I can not convert the date to my local time. moment.locale('es'); let fecha = '2018-12-07 22:56:48'; let fecha_origin = mom...
asked on 08.12.2018 / 03:32

Is there any way to pass the value of a variable to the value of an input through PHP?

Good, as the question shows, I wanted to know if it is possible only with PHP since I see examples but they do it with JavaScript. I would appreciate if you could give an example to take it as a reference.                                     ...
asked on 25.10.2017 / 19:20

Force jump to catch

Is there any way to force the jump, without causing an exception, from inside try to catch ? For example: try { // Código // ... // //Provocar salto al "catch" -> ¿otra opción? Integer.parseInt( "hola" ); } catch(...
asked on 19.12.2016 / 20:02