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Does Eclipse still support Android development?

I am installing Eclipse neon, I am more web developer and Java, not Android, but the eclipse installer gives me the option to install eclipse to develop Android applications and I understood that it could not be done, I do not really develop app...
asked on 24.12.2016 / 23:39

Create a view from scratch

I'm working with ASP.NET MVC, I'm creating my views from scratch to pure html, creating an empty view creates me this. @{ ViewBag.Title = "Proveedor"; } <h2>Proveedor</h2> But when creating html code I do this @{ ViewB...
asked on 13.02.2017 / 17:29

Call a procedure of the invoking class

I'm new to delphi / free pascal and I think I have a concept error, because I'm used to java and maybe you can not think about things in the same way. I hope you can help me. I am using Lazarus v1.6RC1. I have a class TControl in a...
asked on 29.01.2016 / 12:51

How and for what parameters do they work?

How does this función and mainly its parámetros ? (function(window, document){ })(window, document); I know it's a funcion anonima and that autoexecutes , but I do not know how to get it and so you could use your...
asked on 26.06.2017 / 21:29

Consultation about relationship in Ruby on Rails

I'm starting in Rails and I could not find a relationship. I have 3 tables: Video, donations and users. A user can put X videos and each video can have several donations. On video I have the user_id In Donations I have the use...
asked on 31.12.2015 / 08:28

Set default schema = ALGO in oracle using Spring Boot and Spring JDBC

I am now working with Oracle and Spring JDBC, but I do not want to use the schema in my sql statements: Example: Select * from SCHEMA.table Is there any way to set the default schema in or application.yml?...
asked on 22.06.2016 / 19:10

Create enum in Java from the .properties file

Is it possible to load values for an enum from the .properties file? into an enum. I have the following information in the file called authorization-api-context=http://localhost:8099/ mongo-db-name=secure defaul-countries...
asked on 03.07.2016 / 02:44

use ajax to load information

I have the following form that has the following option: echo "<tr>"; echo "<td class='cs'>Forma pago</td><td>"; echo "<div id='contenedor2'>"; echo "<select name = 'cod_tarj' style='border-colo...
asked on 21.05.2016 / 17:43

Help with .htaccess - Url Friendly

I have a website developed in php and mysql now I want to use URL friendly to my links. I have for example the traditional link: 24 is to the section: office On this page it show...
asked on 27.04.2016 / 00:35

Java shortcut files

What I need to know is why when I enter a record to read, I skip the exception EOF that says there are no more records in the file. I have created in the code that each record that has a length of 44 bytes to go directly to a record. Then...
asked on 18.05.2016 / 21:38