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Is there a register of command activity in git?

The idea is to see a list of all the actions or commands that the user has introduced on Git. For example, to know how I ended up committing, to see what commands I have previously entered and to better understand what the system has done. No...
asked on 14.12.2018 / 14:37

DropDownList cascaded

I have this code but at the time of changing the option of the first DropDownList I get the following error:    undefined in the second DropDownList -El controlador- public JsonResult ArticulosPorCategoria(int Id ) { var arti...
asked on 24.08.2016 / 00:17

Change color buttons of the AppBar on Android

How to change the color of the buttons of the AppBar ?, in my case of the return button, the default color is white But mine turns black and I want to change it to white try it with the accent colors and even then it does not change me....
asked on 29.03.2016 / 00:18

Function-Based Views (FBV) VS. Class Based Views (CBV)

When creating a project in Django, let's say, of relative complexity and size, I have always been inclined to use FBV since I find them easier to use. Some say that it is better to use CBV because they have some advantages such as the inheritanc...
asked on 02.12.2015 / 13:34

How can I send a message via WhatsApp to a specific contact from another android application?

I am developing an application that sent a message to a specific WhatsApp contact from my app. I already tried this code. Uri mUri = Uri.parse("smsto:+999999999"); Intent mIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SENDTO, mUri); mIntent.setPackage(...
asked on 01.04.2016 / 00:59

Does the programming language affect the performance of google App Engine?

Google App Engine can be used with Java, PHP, Python and Go. The performance of web apps varies according to the language used? or once the code enters the google servers no matter what language was programmed, the performance is the performance...
asked on 27.01.2016 / 14:38

How to avoid page redirection in an alert with Javascript and jQuery?

When I show a JS alert, it redirects me to the start of my page and all the information in a form is lost and what I want is to show the alert but not redirect or recharge. How can I avoid redirecting, after accepting the alert ?, the alert is t...
asked on 10.06.2016 / 23:52

I can not center HTML form elements

I'm with something simple, but for some reason I can not achieve it. As the title says, I can not center the elements of an HTML form. I wanted to see if they could give me a hand. Here the code: <body> <object id="header" data="h...
asked on 03.10.2016 / 20:22

Return to previous commit

I work in a branch called master2 , the issue is that I made small changes in 1 file and when I tried to upload them, I made an error and I did git pull origin master and when doing push I found almost all the files in the re...
asked on 29.12.2016 / 12:04

Print variables and strings in PHP, single or double quotes

I do not finish clarifying myself on how to combine variables and written strings directly. We are going to use the variable $test : $test="prueba"; Case 1 .- Enclose the variable in double quotes " " works: echo "Esto...
asked on 04.08.2017 / 22:03