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Go through a ListBox and put its items in an array

I fill a list from OpenFileDialog and I put it in "file" and then put it on the list like this: foreach (string file in selectedFiles) { ListBoxItem lstItem = new ListBoxItem(); lstItem.Content = file; //File es la cadena de la...
asked on 22.04.2016 / 13:46

How to pass variable from javascript to twig?

The following code is for me to load on the page a CSS or another depending on the chosen theme. This code works perfectly on page HTML pure, but when I try to take my application Symfony not found a way to pass the JS %%...
asked on 05.08.2016 / 17:34

matrix edition

I am writing a program that I read a matrix and if the value of the element is less than a value rewrite it as zero and if it is greater than the value, leave it as such. I do this: lis=open('ej.txt','r') A=np.genfromtxt(StringIO(...
asked on 23.08.2016 / 02:05

I do not understand the use of std :: setw

I'm doing an exercise in a C ++ book that I use to learn the language, and I can not fully understand the use of std :: setw and its use in conjunction with std :: left (default) and std :: right . In fact, I do not know how, I've found the...
asked on 02.05.2016 / 19:56

Perform INSERT INTO query with SELECT DISTINCT with data from 2 tables

I need to insert values in a table by SQL query that selects the different id_cliente that exist in the table Clientes with its amount and the rest of the fields in the table Facturas adding 1 to field num_factura (...
asked on 11.08.2016 / 14:09

Change color of an image with css

I am using the icons of jquery ui on a page, however I was doubtful if you can change the color of the icons only with css , that is: to change the color of the icons of jquery ui it is necessary to change the image that cont...
asked on 17.07.2017 / 22:41

Queries with hours in SQL Server?

I have a question about how I can make queries in SQL Server with hours fields. I have a column called hora_inicio_prestamo and another hora_fin_prestamo , both of type time(0) , I also have a column called Estado_presta...
asked on 07.04.2017 / 03:05

How to validate special characters in a text field

The problem I have is that I need to validate a text field so that it only accepts ";" and "_" . So far it does not work for me with the code I have. Code: function doNotSubmitFormOnEnterPress(event) { if (event.keyCode ==...
asked on 19.05.2017 / 17:36

How can I create disorganized bootstrap columns?

I would like to create something like this: link But I would like to create it using bootstrap to make it responsive, the problem is that the columns have different sizes and do not go linear like when you work the columns in boot...
asked on 06.02.2016 / 13:36

Context this in an Object

I am presenting as an exam to see my level of JS and I have several doubts. I took out 39/45 and my mistakes are as follows and I would like someone to clarify them a bit:    What will be displayed on the console when "this" calls the followi...
asked on 10.01.2018 / 14:26