I'm making a script in which you can change color with input type="color"
What I want is that in the input instead of choosing the whole range of colors it gives, I can only choose between white or black.
Is that possible ??...
I have been looking at the documentation of angular 2 about the Lifecycle but it is not clear to me.
What is the difference between the constructor and ngOnInit?
I do not understand very well the use of Parcelable() and Serializable() .
What is the difference between Serializable() and% Parcelable() ?
In which cases can I use a Parcelable and in which% Serializab...
I have the following ArrayList which filled with information from a database
ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> employeeList;
employeeList = new ArrayList<>();
private static final String TAG_NAME = "name";
public static fina...
I would like to know how you can modify an item x of a list view through the java code ...
I have the entry class object class:
public class Lista_entrada {
private String textoEncima;
private String textoDebajo;
private String...
Good, I need to know how to insert an image into my database with ajax.
Some time ago I learned to insert a php image in a conventional way. But now I need to do it through AJAX, and it's giving me problems.
Assuming this is my form:
Good, fiddling with C # and C ++ I've found that the following type of expressions is valid:
int A, B, C, D, E;
A = B = C = D = E = 1;
According to this action, I am assigning 1 in E , E in D and so on, until the end....
Hello, I am trying to send text messages from my app and using a physical device with Android 6.0 (Moto G 3rd generation), this is the code I use:
SmsManager sms = SmsManager.getDefault();
sms.sendTextMessage("12345678" , null,"hello world" ,...
I would like to know why this code prints 3,1 and not another value:
Point a,b,c;
b = new Point(2,4);
a = new Point(3,1);
c = b = a;
c = new Point(1,2);
I am trying to export a table from mysql to csv. This I have already achieved but in the csv file the fields of the exported columns do not appear.
The code I have used is the following:
select Nombre,Direccion INTO OUTFILE 'prueba.csv'...