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How to hide items from specific users through php sessions?

good day, I am working with sessions in php and I have two difententes users in my db, what I would like to implement is that the user2 the li elements (page1 and page 2) of my menu will be hidden, while user 1 could see all the lists (page1 pag...
asked on 03.05.2016 / 04:36

Recursive method with ArrayList in java

Good morning, I am in the middle of a problem with an exercise of a task. I have a class like this: UML of the class And I have to put together a recursive public method, which returns an ArrayList with the total number of sub sec...
asked on 18.08.2016 / 05:54

Problems with bluetooth android studio connection

I'm trying to make an application that connects to a Bluetooth module and then be able to navigate between different activities connected to the module. The problem is that the connection in the main activity is fine but when I launch ano...
asked on 28.02.2016 / 20:36

How can I disable or enable a select from another select?

What I would like to do is that when the form is in option "Choose an option" make the other select disabled and that when selecting a different option example: cardio vascular, activate one of the select diagnosis and not e...
asked on 22.08.2016 / 17:33

Neural network with backward propagation returns the same outputs for large vectors

I have a problem with the neural network of backward propagation, it is written in Python , here I leave the GitHub link (in English), with a vector of 4096 entries, 2 hidden layer neurons and 197 output neurons. I put the network to...
asked on 12.09.2016 / 23:26

div to be placed on top of the div that contains it?

I have the following code that dynamically puts some draggable images on top of another image. When you put the mouse on the div sensor, the info appears, but when it is in a corner, the div info is covered by the div that c...
asked on 20.03.2018 / 00:34

Put value to an input text when you select a radio input

As the title says, I would like that when selecting a value, in this case "European" or "American", it shows a numeric value in the "long", "high" and "wide" fields. I give you the code: var D = document.getElementById("D"); var P =...
asked on 18.05.2018 / 01:03

Get all javascript errors

How do I make catch of all errors in the javascript console? I'm wanting to capture every error that plays during the site cycle and execute a function every time it happens. I am using Angular 1.6 . I found that with the window.o...
asked on 10.04.2018 / 14:37

Error in showing error message when everything returns zero?

I have an error in wanting to add an error message when there are no votes for any product. When there are no votes in a product, all the variables in the query return the print value of 0 , apparently taking the value 0 as a val...
asked on 17.10.2017 / 05:22

Can this code be optimized? Graphics WinForms Vb.Net

I'm new here. This code is in a form which generates the funds of the form. I clarify that the form is empty (without controls) and has the DoubleBuffer activated. I think it consumes too much memory and cpu when executed, maybe...
asked on 23.03.2018 / 06:58