All Questions


doubt on how a class is structured in java

I am just beginning to learn Java and instead of reading 20 documents with 200 pages each, I would like to ask a simple question; what are the methods that can be used in a java class? For example: A. A constructor (has the same nam...
asked on 10.01.2018 / 15:53

Order query (1,2,3,1,2,3.1 ...)

How about I have a table students with a column called " id_schools " in Mysql I want it is to make a "select" that throw me the results ordered as follows: nombre_a id_escuelas --------- ------------- Juan...
asked on 08.05.2018 / 18:03

Run php script and send arguments from node.js

I have a PHP script that receives 3 arguments to insert into a database php app.php "Arg1" "Arg2" "Arg3" When I run it from console I can do it without any problem, to call it from my node.js script I try with: var exec = require("child_p...
asked on 02.10.2018 / 02:01

CountDownTimer unstable according to Android verision / Saving Battery

Currently I need my application after 5 minutes to perform an action in my case to close the session, in my emulators and my phone is 10 but in some phones it does not work, I'm not sure if the battery saving could make do not count the time wit...
asked on 19.12.2018 / 21:21

Ways to update view-type elements

This is a doubt that I've always had, I've always stepped out of ways a bit sloppy and that's why I've been encouraged to ask this.    What are different ways to update view elements? Let's say we have a form, basic, Form1 , wit...
asked on 25.05.2018 / 09:34

How to filter accents in a selectCheckboxMenu of primefaces

I have a problem using the selectCheckboxMenu filter, since it does not filter the accents, for example I have this list. But when filtering for example the letter "a", only that character filters me and not the accented one. S...
asked on 20.04.2018 / 23:02

Apply MultiThreading (Parallelism) to my Scraping code in C #

I need help to speed up the scrape process I've done. Currently I do everything I wanted without applying threads, I need it so that while I go through a page getting information, another process go ahead with other pages and so on. Here is m...
asked on 01.05.2018 / 17:06

Print_r () with line break by Array element

I've been looking at some question of this style but I have not seen anything that serves me, so I put my question to you. I have an object called $detalle that has an array with other arrays inside (excuse me, but I do not remember th...
asked on 17.04.2018 / 12:40

What does function ({Something, something More, still More}) {} mean? in Javascript

Watching a tutorial I found an expression like this: function ( { algo, algoMas, todaviaMas } ) { } Doing a bit of research, I found Destructuring in ES6 : The unstructured data, or    destructuring named parameter: "destru...
asked on 22.08.2018 / 23:56

how to create a php script that makes a screenshot and modify the name each time it takes the capture

good, my question is the following as I can do to make a script in php that at the time of taking the screenshot I modified the name and I did not change the image already saved .. my code is as follows: <?php function reporte($i){ req...
asked on 24.08.2018 / 21:23